

Regular colonic irrigation and lymphatic massage can be very beneficial as part of a detox program, but wellness therapists really appreciate it when you do some work outside of the spa.

There are plenty of ways to detox on your own for free, but these are some of the easiest. Trust us, you won’t have to do much work.

Let’s dive in.

Drink more water

Have you ever gone through a good portion of your day, only to realize that you’ve have little, if any water? It’s smart to make a conscious effort to drink water regularly throughout the day — even when you’re not necessarily thirsty. Keeping a water bottle close at all times is just smart.

Water is an amazing natural cleansing agent, as it flushes the circulatory, respiratory and digestive systems. It also leads to clearer skin. Drink more water, and you’re sure to make the most of your detox program.


You’re supposed to spend a decent portion of your life asleep, but unfortunately, far too few people actually do. Sleeping 7 to 8 hours a night is crucial to maintaining a properly working immune system. Sleep is essentially the brain’s ways of resetting itself, flushing out toxins and preparing for a new day of quick cognitive functioning.

The best part is that sleeping is obviously free, and it feels so good.


Don’t have time for the far infrared sauna? Simply sitting in your bathroom with the hot shower running is the next best thing. Ingesting water is a great way to cleanse, but expelling it can also be very beneficial.

Sweating is an easy way for toxins to leave your body. After you’re done, you’ll be in a state of extreme relaxation, and you won’t have spent a penny.

Of course, exercise will make you sweat as well. And it’ll get the blood pumping through your body, cleansing toxins and boosting brain power.

Want to know more about detox methods? Give us a call at our Palos Verdes spa location.


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