

Life can get the best of us from time to time. Between things like work, kids and bills, it’s understandable that you occasionally find yourself on edge. You very well might have your own personal remedies for beating stress, like regular colon hydrotherapy. But we’d like to offer you a few more – all backed up by science, of course. Here, we’re going to provide you with a few ways to promote those “zen states” and wellness a bit more often in your day-to-day.

1. Meditation

Okay, we know what you’re thinking: “what can silently sitting still do to get me to be more tranquil?” Well, quite a lot, actually. In this impatient, I-need-it-now society, many people are quick to give up on meditation, before it can work it’s magic. Let us correct ourselves though – there’s definitely nothing magic about the technique. It’s simply a brain training tool.

According to Dr. Herbert Benson, founder of the Mind-Body Medical Institute (associated with Harvard University), meditation offers an abundance of biomedical changes, which he calls “the relaxation response.” These changes include changes in heart rate, blood pressure, and breathing rate.

2.  Autogenic Training

Did you ever consider that merely thinking about an object or landscape could calm you down? The University of Maryland Medical Center says that this is a legit thing. In autogenic training, the individual attempts to imagine pleasant physical surroundings, and then associates that with a particular feeling in their body — a warmth in their limbs, for example. Many patients have found this to be highly effective.

3. Colon Hydrotherapy

According to countless experts, colonics promote among other things, better sleeping patterns, easier digestion, and in some, an overall sense of well-being.

According to a survey study conducted by the Department of Surgery, William Harvey Hospital, in Ashford, UK, clients who are often unhappy with orthodox medicine often opt for colonic irrigation, in order to achieve some the above effects. Similarly, according to Gayle Nicholas Scott, PharmD, “In summary, colonics appear to provide psychological benefit to some people.” We’d certainly have to agree with her there.

If you’re interested in finding out different ways for promoting your relaxation and beating stress in Palos Verdes or Santa Monica, don’t hesitate to contact us, today.

Palos Verdes: 310-392-9190
Santa Monica: 310-399-1722

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