

Hydrotherapy has been used for centuries to cure, or aid, all types of illnesses.

The health pioneer, Sebastian Kneipp, was one of the founders of naturopathic medicine.

He developed the “Kneipp Cure,” which is a form of hydrotherapy that uses water of various temperatures and pressures in addition to a variety of methods to treat ailments of the body.

Here are four classic hydrotherapy treatments that Kneipp used to promote wellness:

The cold arm bath

This boosts the body’s immune system and improves circulation throughout the body.

Kneipp used it to refresh patients when tired and ill.

The treatment typically occurred in the late morning or early afternoon, and used cold water — around 54 to 65 degrees F — and a water basin.

Patients would immerse their arms until the sensation of cold became noticeable, which was usually around 30 seconds.

Then they would take their arms out and dry off.

The cold leg compress

Kneipp used this treatment to cool off the skin and lower high blood pressure.

It also soothed inflammation and promoted solid sleep.

A cold wet linen cloth was used to wrap around the calf, covered with a cotton cloth and small wool cloth.

Then the patient would rest for around 20 minutes and change the compress when it was warm.

Water treading

This method Kneipp used to refresh tired legs, help with headaches and give the immune system a boost.

It involves putting the leg knee deep in cold water and then marching for 1 to 2 minutes afterward.


Overall, this method was used to strengthen the body’s defenses.

The doc used it to give the pelvic organs a boost and increase circulation.

It used water jets spread out on the outer side of the leg, from the ankle to the hollow of the knee.

While all of these hydrotherapy methods were used to improve the overall health of the body, it should be noted that these should be done under the supervision of a specialist.

For more info on hydrotherapy and other services, like colon hydrotherapy and lymphatic massage, give us a call today.

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