

Out of all the detox programs available, there’s one natural method that can deliver exceptional results — sleep.

You may not think of sleep as an activity you do to get healthy — it’s just something your body needs. But, science is now confirming the idea that there is “good sleep” and “bad sleep.”

The truth is, there are ways of sleeping that help your body detox, aiding in your overall wellness. And there are also ways of sleeping that might not be doing you much good.

Here are a few sleeping methods your body will thank you for.

Develop a sleep routine

With your busy schedule and the unpredictability of everyday life, it might be tough to wake up and tuck in at set times, but this regular sleep rhythm is just what your body needs for detoxification.

If you find that you’re not tired when you first lay down for bed, don’t force it. Anxiety about falling asleep can keep your brain in a highly aware state, which is obviously not what you want. Try reading a book or a magazine while sitting up, and when you feel yourself nodding off, hit the lights and call it a night.

Leave technology outside the bedroom

Scrolling through a Facebook feed is how most of us unwind before bed these days, but a great deal of research says that it’s not good for you. Studies suggest that illuminated screens on laptops, tablets, and smart phones, might be interrupting healthy sleep patterns.

As rule of thumb, set your smart devices aside, 45 minutes before you decide to hit the hay.

Be aware of you eat and drink

Avoid eating or drinking things before bed that will prevent you from getting some solid shut-eye.

For instance, steer clear of lots of liquid, as it’ll cause you the urge for urination. Similarly, eating spicy foods prior to sleep, can cause you to wake up with “night sweats,” let alone another urge to use the bathroom.

It’s long been known that caffeine ought to be avoided pre-bedtime, as the effects can take hours to wear off. And, alcohol might help you fall asleep, but it too can interrupt regular sleep cycles.

What you eat and drink during the day can also have an impact on your sleep. Check out our Organic Diet Guide to restore your health.

Make an extra effort for comfort

Sure, sleeping itself doesn’t cost you anything, but if you’re going to cleanse your body with sleep, you have to make sure you do it right.

Whether it’s purchasing a down comforter, getting an extra fan, or investing in a whole new mattress, you should be willing to part with a few extra dollars in order to gain some extra long-term health benefits.

Want a few more tips on improving sleep quality or detoxification? Give us a call at our Palos Verdes Spa location.


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