

One of the secrets to a healthy body is colon health. The colon is one of the most vital organs in the body. Not only is it the last in line in the digestion process, it makes sure that the body receives the vital nutrients it craves. But because of the waste material that passes through, toxins tend to build up in the colon over time. Those toxins can enter the rest of our bodies through the cell lining, which can cause several health issues. That’s why it’s important to detoxify your colon.

Colon detoxification and colon hydrotherapy in Santa Monica and Los Angeles

Here are some quick tips for colon detoxification:

  • Receive regular colon hydrotherapy: Also known as colonic irrigation, this is a natural method of cleansing the colon and riding the body of toxins. The process instills warm, filtered and sterilized water gently into the colon in order to move waste out. When the intestinal tract is cleansed of toxins, it’s able to move more food through the digestive system and absorb more nutrients, vitamins and proteins. You can learn more about the process on our colonic irrigation page.
  • Go on an organic diet: Remember that old saying that “you are what you eat.” It’s true. Higher quality food means better health. And if you’re trying to detoxify your colon, eating organic will get rid of pesticides and other chemical agents that are in non-organic food. Make sure you’re getting plenty of fiber — around 25 grams if you’re a woman and 38 if you’re a man. That means eating a lot of organic fruits and green vegetables.
  • Exercise more often: Regular exercise helps everything. It gets the blood flowing and revs up your metabolism, helping the body to eliminate waste. Generally, it’s recommended that you get your heart rate up at least 30 minutes per day, but more can always help with a colon cleanse.
  • Develop a long-term detox program: Short-term detoxification can really benefit the colon, but if you want lasting results, it’s best to commit to detox long-term. That means developing a strategy with a qualified therapist to develop a personalized detox program specific to your needs.

For more information on colon detoxification, colon hydrotherapy and other detox programs, call us now:

Palos Verdes Spa – 310-392-9190
Santa Monica Spa – 310-399-1722

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