
Everybody knows how good they feel after a long deep-tissue massage, and although these types of massages have a number of health benefits, many argue that they don’t have the same keep-you-younger efficacy as lymphatic massages.
What’s so youthful about these ultra light-touch massages? Well, let’s find out.
Improves circulation
The main thing that lymphatic massage drainage does so well is to help pass lymph more effortlessly through the lymphatic system — part of the larger circulatory system.
Lymph is a clear liquid that disposes of harmful toxins in the body. From time to time, it can become very thick and bogged-down. With a very light touch in the right areas, the massage therapist is able to improve the circulation of lymph through the lymphatic system, allowing it to do away with toxins more efficiently.
Clears your complexion
One of the side benefits of lymph drainage is that it can actually help with acne problems. Think about it — acne is often caused by dirt and toxins finding a temporary home in the pours of your skin. With lymph flowing more readily, though, this makes it much harder to do. And, everyone knows an acne-free complexion appears is a healthy, more youthful one.
Heightens immunity
As we get older, the natural processes our bodies perform to keep us young, healthy, and fit, slow down — including lymph flow. So, just as you might take a daily dose of medication, regularly receiving manual lymphatic massage can work wonders to slow down the aging process and keep you healthy.
Simply keeps you feeling good
Remember feeling great all the time in your teens and 20s? You weren’t so plagued by aches, pains, and stress like you are now, right? The truth is, it’s just as important to actually FEEL healthy as it is to be healthy. Your subjective experience from moment to moment is who you are, and if you’re constantly in pain or depressed, that will define you.
Several studies have shown that post-lymphatic drainage massage, people felt calmer and more focused than prior to the treatment.
If you have any further questions about lymph massage, or wondering whether or not a particular wellness therapy is right for you, don’t hesitate to call us today!
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