
You might opt for a massage alleviate stress, or simply to feel good. If you’re having serious inflammatory issues, though, lymphatic drainage massage might be the viable therapy for what ails you.

A low-pressure massage which drains toxin-carrying lymph from the nervous system; lymphatic massage is painless, non-invasive, and great for you. Best of all, it’s helpful in treating different types of inflammation.

Here are five types of inflammation that lymphatic massage can treat.


Common in older folks, lymphedema is a swelling of the limbs, due to obstructed blood vessels. Many people seek temporary remedy for this condition through lymph massage, and have had some definite success.

Post-anesthesia removal

Characterized as an inflammation of grogginess and cloudy cognition, post- anesthesia symptoms can occasionally be treated with lymphatic drainage massage. Consciousness is a whole-body phenomenon, and when the chemical anesthetic is slowly removed from the body via a massage of this kind, many report being more aware and alert.

Post-surgery edema

If you went in for highly invasive surgery, it’s not likely that your body will act kindly to it. Swelling or “stagnant fluid” (edema) is often present after going under the knife, and lymphatic drainage therapy has long been known to help reduce this nuisance.

Mold toxicity

Ingesting large amounts of mold is never good for your wellness. Whether it’s chronic allergies, or simply living in a less than cleanly space, certain microorganisms can be harmful to your immune system and cause inflammation — mostly to your respiratory system. Believe it or not, a series of lymph treatments can work wonders when it comes to ridding your body of these toxins.


Fibromyalgia is common in older women and men alike, but it tends to be more common in women. Chronic muscle pain and tenderness is the gist of the syndrome, but on-going tiredness is usually present, as well. Several studies show the effectiveness of manual lymph massage in alleviating this pain.

In one study, half the participants were with fibromyalgia were put on a regiment of lymphatic massage five times a week for 3 weeks, while the others were put on a connective tissue massage regiment for the same amount of time.

Although significant pain reduction was found in both groups, those who had undergone lymphatic drainage massage reported significantly less pain.

Want more info on lymphatic massage and inflammation? Call our Palos Verdes Spa location.

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