

We’ve shown over and over again that lymphatic massage really is beneficial in helping to combat symptoms of serious illness.

But maybe you didn’t know that the detox procedure might also improve one’s physical appearance, too.

A fairly recent study seems to be telling us just that.

Cellulite can be embarrassing, despite the fact that it occurs in 80 to 90 percent of all women.

A 2011 study published in the US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health notes that lymphatic massage can help treat the unsightly condition.

Manual lymph drainage (along with mechanical lymph drainage and cervical stimulation) was performed on 14 patients aged 19–36, with clinically diagnosed cellulite.

Patients were treated 1.5 hours a day for 10 sessions, over a 2 week period.

Before and after photos were evaluated by two examiners, in which they found a lessened appearance of cellulite, post lymphatic massage treatment.

Scientists responsible for the study — José Maria Pereira de Godoy and Maria de Fátima Guerreiro de Godoy — say that this doesn’t seem to be a mere temporary solution to the problem either.

“We’ve been studying this technique for 10 years, and have seen that results can be maintained for years, as long as the patient does not put on weight or present with edema, so the results are long-lasting,” said Jose and Maria Godoy.

Keep in mind that there is no current catch-all cure for cellulite.

However, a regularly-performed, cleansing procedure like this can notably curb appearances of the estrogen-induced dimpling fat.

Lymphatic massage seems to be a much better option than Botox and other cosmetic surgeries, where results are costly, uncertain, and sometimes even damaging.

If you’re in need of alternative wellness detoxification solutions around Santa Monica and Palos Verdes, don’t hesitate to reach out to us with your questions. We’re here for you.

Palos Verdes: 310-392-9190
Santa Monica: 310-399-1722

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