
As one of the leading causes of cancer deaths, breast cancer diagnoses are increasing throughout the world. But many studies are now saying that iron plays a major role in the development of breast cancer. A study by the Department of Bimolecular Sciences in Urbino Italy, found that the ductal fluid of women with breast cancer had higher levels of ferritin, a protein that transports iron and aluminum. It isn’t necessarily the intake of iron that causes cancer, but the release of it within the body that is harmful.
Why is the release of iron dangerous?
More than 90 percent of the iron we intake binds to protective proteins within the body. Free iron, that is iron that isn’t bound to protective proteins, can cause inflammation, free radical generation and lipid peroxidation within the body.
What causes the release?
Both aluminum and alcohol have been linked to the release of iron. Large amounts of either substance can cause the iron to free from its protein and build up within the body. If this occurs, a tumor can form. Vaccines have also been linked to an increase of aluminum within the body.
How can Heavy Metal Detox Help?
A heavy metal detox program, can keep the body clean of heavy metals that cause adverse effects.  At Transformational Health in Santa Monica and Palos Verdes, we offer a wide variety of solutions for heavy metal detox. We carry Detoxamin and a selection of other products to rid the body of heavy metals. Call us today for a personalized detox program.
Palos Verdes: 310-392-9190
Santa Monica: 310-399-1722
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