Archive for the 'Colon Health' CategoryA short history of colon hydrotherapyAuthor: Jessica05.21.2015
Although colonics are highly fashionable right now, little did you probably know that the technique of flushing the colon with water, to bring about a higher state of wellness, has been around for thousands of years. And our best sources say that it all started on the banks of the Nile.
Here’s the history of colon hydrotherapy:The Ancient Egyptians
The ancient Egyptians believed that, after you ingest your food, portions of it stay in you and rot, just as it would outside your body, if left to its own devices. They believed this was at least partially responsible for illness. So, it only made sense to flush the bowels clean every once in a while, to rid the body of rotting food.
As it turns out, the ancient Egyptians were only partially correct. The food doesn’t actually “rot” inside your body, but it does leave behind toxins that builds up on your colon walls, which benefit from being flushed-out, from time to time.
19th Century medicine
Skipping forward in time, we come to the Victorian era of the western world, where little was known about medicine still, but the idea of applying the scientific method to figure out the remedies that actually worked took hold.
During the late 1880s and early 1900s, much of the medical literature advocated colon hydrotherapy regiments every so often, as a general health practice. Around 1930, though, few traditional medical doctors seemed to find compelling evidence in support of the treatment.
Today and beyond
Nowadays, there’s an overwhelming resurgence in time-honored alternative wellness practices – including colonics. As the cost of prescription medication and doctor’s visits shoot through the roof, countless people are seeking different ways of getting better.
The truth is, though, there have been several studies supporting the benefits of colon hydrotherapy. But more importantly, recipients themselves walk away from the treatment feeling unbloated, clear-skinned, and more well-focused. Overall, it’s hard to argue with that.
Looking for colon hydrotherapy services? Call our Palos Verdes office today!
![]() 3 easy ways to enhance your colon healthAuthor: Jessica02.18.2015
Colon cancer rates, overall, have been falling the last few decades. But a recent study published in the Journal of Adolescent and Young Adult Oncology suggests that colon cancer rates are increasing among young and early-aged young adults – men and women between 20 and 49. While there’s on direct explanation for why this is happening, it’s undeniable that more education is needed about the colon and simple, everyday practices that can boost your colon health. Here are three things you can start doing now to improve the health of your body’s large intestine: Exercise Exercising isn’t just about losing weight. In fact, according to a study by the American Cancer Society, exercising provides a 16% decrease in the risk of developing colon polyps. It offers a 30 percent decrease in developing advanced polyps. According to the CDC, adults need about 2 hours and 30 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity weekly, or and an hour and 15 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity weekly. That means activities like fast walking, water aerobics, biking, tennis or every pushing a lawn mower for moderate activity. For vigorous activity, that means activities like running, swimming, biking, tennis and basketball. It also suggests muscle-strengthening activities about two or more days per week. Keep in mind that an activity like yoga counts as muscle-strengthening. Change up the diet Research has linked the consumption of cruciferous vegetables to a lower risk of colon cancer. And somewhere around 50 to 75 percent of colorectal cancer can be prevented through lifestyle changes like health eating, notes the Color Cancer Foundation. Some of the rules include eating more vegetables, limiting red and processed meat, backing off of sugar and increasing fiber intake in general. Get more sunshine Observational studies have found a link between high vitamin D levels and a reduced risk of colon cancer. And a recent study published in the journal Gut found that the higher the blood levels of people with vitamin D, the less likely they were to develop colorectal tumors. So get out in the sun as much as possible. Other prevention methods The three lifestyle changes listed above just skin the surface of boosting your colon health. You can also try colon hydrotherapy and other natural detox programs to enhance overall health and wellness. For more information on colon health and detox programs, call us at our Palos Verdes spa location. 3 ways to keep your colon healthyAuthor: Jessica11.26.2014
Do you know about your colon? It’s a crucial part of the digestive system, and colon health plays a vital role in your overall wellness. The colon is about six feet long and moves waste material from the small intestine to the rectum. As it moves waste toward the rectum, it absorbs water, helping it to flow smoothly. But the longer it takes for waste to move through the colon, the bigger the chances that it’s also collecting toxins or harmful materials. Inflammatory bowel disease, ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease can be the result of an unhealthy colon. That makes it important to keep your colon healthy and fit. Here are three ways to boost your colon health: Eat right You don’t have to change your diet completely. Doing anything extreme is usually a bad move. But diets high in vegetables, fruits and whole grains have been associated with a decreased risk of colon cancer, according to The American Cancer Society, or ACS. The first move is to up your fiber intake. Women typically need around 25 grams of fiber per day while men need around 38 grams. Next, put a limit on your intake of red and processed meats. If you consume 100 grams of red meat or 50 grams of processed meats, your risk of colon cancer increases by 15 to 20 percent, according to the ACS. Finally, put down the sugar. Ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease are typically associated with diets high in sugar. Try colon hydrotherapy This is a popular way to flush toxins and waste material from the colon. Warm, sterilized water is gently instilled into the colon, promoting peristalsis and the removal of toxic build up. If you suffer from constipation, or another ailment, colonics can help you to restore regular bowel movements. You can read more about colonic irrigation here. Hydrate and exercise Don’t underestimate the benefits of water. We’re mostly made up of the stuff. So it should come as no surprise that dehydration can lead to poor colon health – bloating, IBS, fatigue. It’s recommended that you drink eight glasses of water per day, but you should certainly have more if you exercise, which is another important part of colon health. Exercise promotes blood flow throughout the body, getting more oxygen to your organs and helping to ward of diseases. Aim for 20 to 30 minutes per day. For more information on colon health, colonics or other alternative medicine, give us a call at our Palos Verdes spa location. 3 things a colonic can do for youAuthor: Jessica10.09.2014
You’ve probably heard of countless therapies and remedies which claim to clean out your bowels, leaving you feeling completely revitalized and boosting colon health. It’s commonly reported, though, that colon hydrotherapy achieves the results of juicing, a stool softener, and an appetite suppressant combined. Here’s a few reasons why you should give colonic irrigation a try. It can relieve constipation Let’s be honest, there’s few things more uncomfortable than not being able “to go” when needed. By using warm water and a little pressure, a colonic therapist is able to up break up hardened waste that’s stubbornly sitting your large intestine. After you’re done with the procedure, your colon will be completely clean. Plus, it’ll be stimulated, so you’ll be able to relieve your bowels more easily, soon after. If you’re having trouble going number two, and you’ve tried everything else, don’t fear, a colon cleanse will certainly do the trick. It increases energy Another amazing aspect of this water-based therapy is that it makes you feel livelier. As your colon is being cleaned, toxins and millions of unwanted bacteria leave your body — leaving you with tons of energy to exercise or get some much needed work accomplished. It helps you shed unwanted pounds Because colonic therapies stimulate the digestive system, and because they provide your body with more energy, the fact of the matter is that you’ll probably also lose some weight as a result of the procedure. When you’re able to produce bowel movements more often, you’ll weigh less, and you’ll also feel more motivated to workout. On top of that, the therapy’s anti-toxin properties should also make you feel anything but sluggish (more willing to go for a run, perhaps?). If you’re interested in learning more about our therapies, don’t hesitate to contact us at our Palos Verdes location, today!
Colonic vs. enema: What’s the difference?Author: Jessica08.11.2014
Although in some respects they are quite similar, colonics and enemas actually serve different functions, and they come from differing ideas of how best to promote and maintain colon health and wellness. Here are a few differences. One purpose vs. a few Where the sole purpose of an enema is to remedy constipation, colonic irrigation has several goals. Colonic irrigation is sometimes thought to alleviate constipation, but it also exists to act as an on-going treatment – to maintain a sense of total-body wellness. Additionally, colon hydrotherapy is designed to rid the body of harmful toxins and bacteria. While one will get this second-handedly from a properly working enema, many wellness experts claim that without a colonic, toxins will still be left clinging to the colon walls. The active ingredients In order to rid waste from the colon, enemas employ sodium phosphate, which creates an imbalance between the colon wall and the rest of the body – softening stool by creating excess moisture. On the other hand, colon cleansing employs no other ingredients besides water and a little bit of pressure. These simple elements alone are enough to achieve the goals of the therapy. Preventative vs remedial While enemas are only recommended as a remedy to an existing problem, colonics are available for those who want to continue to keep their colon clean so that colon issues aren’t able to escalate. Physical effort involved Even with the aid of an enema, many people with bad cases of constipation still have to exert a great deal of effort to pass waste – this can cause a great deal of pain and stress. Although colonic irrigation has been known to be a bit uncomfortable, the therapist and the irrigation instruments pretty much do all the work for you. As such, the procedure has been known to be therapeutic and luxurious. Interested in learning more about colon hydrotherapy? Don’t hesitate to visit us at our spa in Palos Verdes, today. 3 reasons to get a colonicAuthor: Jessica07.10.2014
Flushing the colon with water has been a practice that has been a part of wise cultures throughout history. The Egyptians, the Greeks, the Romans – they all believed “the cleaner the colon, the healthier the person.” And, in wellness circles, belief in colon health hasn’t changed much for thousands of years. Here are a few reasons you should try colon hydrotherapy. It relieves constipation We’ve all been there. Whether it’s something we ate last night, or for whatever reason, we just haven’t “gone” in a few days, constipation can be a real problematic issue. Many wellness therapists claim that getting a colonic can actually shape and re-tone the colon, making it stronger and more capable of digesting food. And that solves the constipation issue. It removes build-up Even if you’re “regular,” fecal matter and bad bacteria can continue to mount on the walls of your colon, after every meal. Think about that. You’ve been alive for several decades now, and your colon has never been cleaned. There are leftovers from tens of thousands of meals building up in your gut. But colon hydrotherapy can clear out that debris, allowing your colon to soak in more nutrients and work more effectively. It enhances mind / body connection Sure, colonic irrigation has a handful of benefits for your body, but it’s equally beneficially at balancing the relationship between your body and your mind. The body is, of course, a large part of your being, but perhaps more importantly is your subjective experience. Countless people who have tried colon hydrotherapy report incredible senses of well-being and contentment, post-colonic. That is to say, when the body is in a more detoxified state, we feel healthier – more revitalized. If you’re interested in learning more about colonics, don’t hesitate to visit us at our Palos Verdes location today. Colon hydrotherapy: Then and nowAuthor: Jessica05.07.2014
Flushing the colon with water is a practice that dates back as early as 1500 B.C. The effectiveness of colon hydrotherapy for colon health has been seen throughout the ages, and across cultures. So its popularity should really come as no surprise. The Egyptians A document from the 14th Century B.C. called the Ebers Papyrus, talks of enemas being used as a remedy for more than 20 bowl complaints, according to the Global Professional Association for Colon Hydrotherapy. The writings specifically mention their use in order to “drive out excrement.” In the 5th century B.C., the historian Herodotus wrote about the Egyptian use of enemas, saying, “The Egyptians clear themselves on three consecutive days, every month, seeking after health by emetics and enemas for they think that all disease comes to man from his food.” While we now know that all disease does not come to us from our food, we certainly know that what we eat (and how much) does have a profound effect on our health as well as our personal sense of well-being. Ancient Greeks and Romans The ancient Greek physician, Hippocrates, implemented colonic irrigation to treat fevers. Similarly, his close predecessors often found the practice more effective than laxatives, and they also used it to treat intestinal worms. It wasn’t until about 30 A.D. that the next detailed account of colon hydrotherapy is found. In one of the first medical books, the physician Celus mentioned that flushing the colon shouldn’t be repeated too often, and that the water shouldn’t be too hot or too cold. Galen, another Greek physician, went on to comment on the need to cleanse the body from within, saying, “The uncleanness within is greater than the uncleanness without. And he who cleanses himself without, but within remains unclean, is like a tomb that outward is painted fair, but is within full of all manner of horrible uncleanness and abominations.” Middle ages and renaissance The English surgeon John Ardene was the first to notice that mixing various concoctions with the water, often left the recipient more “blocked-up” than before the procedure. He also mentioned that each person, constipated or not, ought be “purged” 3 to 4 times a year. Contemporary colonic practice has certainly taken Dr. Ardene’s advice. Most colonic technicians agree that warm water alone will do the trick. Similarly, most technicians would agree that 3-4 times a year is worthwhile – many would certainly recommend more. 20th century and today The term “colonic irrigation” emerged in 1932, from Dr. W. Kerr Russell’s book with the same name. In it, he talks about the differences between the modern procedure and the enemas of the past. “The term irrigation describes more accurately than the words clyster or enema, the treatment which is administered with the modern apparatus. These methods lavage and thoroughly cleanse the walls, remove abnormal mucus, and also empty the bowel. The tone of the colonic muscle is improved and the blood supply augmented.” Many colonic hyrotherapists today would agree that Dr. Russell hit the nail right on the head. But if we may add – no only is the treatment effective in removing excess waste, it also creates an incredible sense of personal well-being. To learn more about colonics, don’t hesitate to visit us at our detox day spa in Palos Verdes. Colonics and weight loss: Is there a connection?Author: Jessica03.05.2014
Countless claims have been made to the wellness benefits of colon hydrotherapy, aside from improving colon health. Among these is the idea that receiving colonics regularly is a good way to manage your weight. Get ready for a skinnier you, right? Well, sort of, but not exactly. Fat vs. waste When you receive colonic irrigation, the service flushes out excess fecal buildup from your colon. As a result, many clients walk away several pounds lighter and feeling much better. Of course, it’s important to note that the service itself doesn’t remove fat tissue. If you’re looking to shed a few pounds in order to maintain a fresh, ongoing sense of well-being, receiving a colonic is something you’ll want to do on a regular basis. Don’t expect to walk away as though you just had liposuction, though. Toxicity Many experts believe there is some long-term correlation between keeping the body-toxin-free and staying thin. Unless you’re eating an all-natural, fully organic food diet, there’s almost certainly going to be a decent level of toxicity in your body — especially in your colon. “One or two well-formed bowel movements every day is one of the best ways to give toxins a one-way ticket out of your body,” says Dr. Mark Hyman, of “Scientists recently uncovered a surprising and disturbing fact: environmental toxins make you fat and cause diabetes,” he says. That makes it important to optimize your body’s ability to rid itself of toxins. Of course, drinking plenty of water is also an easy way to aid in cleansing, but it isn’t always enough, and a colonic is an effective way to achieve results. In this roundabout way, there’s evidence to show that the service not only helps people feel great, but it’s also an aid in weight management, too. Want to learn more? Don’t hesitate to visit us at our detox spa in Palos Verdes or Santa Monica, today. The coffee enema: What’s the hype?Author: Jessica02.26.2014
You know all about colonics, but something you may have missed in the colon hydrotherapy literature is the word “coffee.” Some colonic irrigation therapists instill the caffeinated substance into the colon after a standard colonic procedure to further cleanse the colon of toxins, promoting colon health. Why coffee? Coffee is an interesting substance in that it increases the production of bile in the liver. And, due to coffee’s high levels of palmitic acid, it also increases glutathione production — one of the body’s most important purification enzymes. Why not just orally? Dr. Ben Lynch thinks ingesting coffee the “standard” way, although pleasant, doesn’t give your body the chance to properly process toxins. “By performing a coffee enema,” he says in a post on Seeking Health, “you are skipping the body’s normal absorption of caffeine. “By introducing enema coffee into your colon, specifically your sigmoid colon, the antioxidants, theobromine and caffeine are effectively absorbed by the portal venous system.” Imagine the impact of a coffee enema after colonic irrigation. Other medical authorities weigh in Many MDs agree that coffee enemas are both effective and safe. According to Dr. Lawrence Wilson, MD at the Center For Development, “the coffee retention enema is really quite simple, very safe when done properly, highly effective…” There are also many doctors who were once skeptical of the procedure, but who now even perform them on themselves. “I do daily coffee enemas,” says Dr. Michael L. Johnson of ‘”In spite of my initial skepticism and reluctance, I went ahead with them, and when I got over the initial messiness and innate resistance, I quickly saw the benefits of coffee enemas.” Interested in learning more? Don’t hesitate to contact our detox spa in Palos Verdes location, today. 4 overlooked benefits to colon hydrotherapyAuthor: Jessica02.12.2014
Colonic irrigation isn’t just a passing fad. It’s been around for hundreds of years, and that’s because practitioners and patients haven’t stopped raving about its ability to promote wellness. And while you might already be aware that the service gets rid of constipation and makes the digestive system more effective, it also has some hidden benefits. Here are a few that can really boost your colon health. Enhanced Energy After having undergone a series of colonics, many patients feel revitalized — that they can get more things accomplished during the day. And they often report greater stamina in the gym, as well as the bedroom. Improved brain function When toxins buildup in the body, it becomes increasingly difficult for the body to naturally absorb essential vitamins. Without such vitamins, the brain can’t operate at optimal levels. So while it might not be very apparent, toxins in your colon can actually impair your ability to think. A colonic treatment can help restore critical cognitive functions like concentration and memory. Increased fertility One of the more frequently discussed pros of colonic irrigation is weight-loss. The bottom line here is that fat tissue can impair a couple’s ability to become pregnant. Fat is estrogen-based, and although high levels of estrogen are beneficial for a women’s chances of conceiving. Too much estrogen is not. In men, higher levels of estrogen have been known to impair an ability to achieve an erection, and can decrease sperm count. All in all, colon cleansing rids the body of toxins and harmful chemicals, and that’s beneficial for the sperm as well as the egg. Whole-body wellness The truth is that the treatment isn’t only good for the colon, the brain, or the uterus. Positive results have been seen throughout the body — from the digestive system to the circulatory system. Would you like to learn more about how our detox spa services can improve your health? Contact us today in Santa Monica or Palos Verdes. |