Archive for the 'Detox Programs' CategoryUsing hot-cold shower hydrotherapy to improve healthAuthor: Jessica06.05.2013
We typically think of showers as a way to cleanse the outside of the body, but it turns out we should also think of them as a way to naturally cleanse, detox and heal the inner body. Taking a hot-cold shower — alternating between hot and cold temperature during your shower — can provide a tremendous amount of benefits for the body. Hydrotherapy, which is a particular part of occupational therapy and physiotherapy, has been used for the relief of pain and treatment dating back to ancient Egyptian, Persian, Greek and Roman civilizations. The approach takes advantage of the physical properties of water, including temperature and pressure, for therapeutic purposes. Mainly, it can give a major boost to blood circulation within the body, removing toxins and benefiting the organs. Showers provide an easy way to take advantage of water’s properties. How it works Hot water, for most, is very soothing and relaxing. So when we take a hot shower, we become more relaxed, relieving stress. Cold water helps relieve inflammation, boost circulation and removes toxins from the lymph and skin. When cold water hits our body, the flow of blood directs inward, toward our organs. The opposite occurs as hot water hits our skin. So when we alternate cold and hot water on our bodies, we make the flow of blood move in and out like an accordion. And that can unclog various areas, cleanse our system and move nutrients more efficiently. How to do it Most experts say that the best way to start out is with a temperature that you’re comfortable with in the shower. Then slowly increase the temperature until you’d consider the water fairly hot, but only leave it on temporarily. It’s important to note that you shouldn’t scald yourself — this can work with moderate temperatures. Once you’re ready, slowly decrease the temperature until you’re taking a cold shower. This should be fairly cold, especially since cold shower benefits are numerous. Make sure your entire body gets cold, and then turn it the water back up to hot. And when you’re hot again, you can go back to cold. Repeat that process as long as you’d like, but make sure to listen to your body. Stop if you’re too hot or cold. Additional hydrotherapy As much as hot-cold shower therapy can benefit you on a daily basis, other water therapy — like colon hydrotherapy — can also add to your detox program. Call us today for more information on cold shower benefits, hydrotherapy or to book an appointment: Palos Verdes: 310-392-9190 Our goal is to restore your body’s natural ability to heal. ![]() Shed pounds with heavy metal detoxAuthor: Jessica04.03.2013
We’re exposed to heavy metals every day, and over time, they become very hazardous to our health. One of those hazards is the inability to lose weight. Heavy metals can have a negative affect on normal thyroid function, which can ultimately prevent weight loss, according That’s why it’s important to include heavy metal detox — chelation therapy — into a regular routine, especially if you’re trying to lose weight. Mercury, cadmium, and lead are all found in the body, but they provide no beneficial purpose. These heavy metals may be variations of metals that your body might actually need, but in an alternate form, they’re harmful. “There is good scientific evidence that metal toxicity can impair endocrine (thyroid) function,” notes LookCut. It impairs T4 to T3 conversion, which acts like an invisible force field around body fat. It’s worth noting that heavy metals don’t just make it more difficult to lose weight, they make it impossible to lose weight, if they’ve done significant enough damage to the thyroid. “No amount of diet or exercise will be of use for someone with a sufficiently impaired thyroid,” says LookCut. The evidence Some athletes have been treated for thyroid impairment via heavy metal detoxification. Strength coach, Charles Poliquin, routinely trains world-class Olympians, and those looking to cut some pounds are commonly put through a mercury toxicity test. More often than not, Poliquin has had very positive results with athletes looking to lose weight by putting them on a heavy metal detox program. Detoxification There are several ways to detox metals from your body. Concentrated fruit and vegetable supplements can help. In addition, a EDTA suppository, which contains an amino acid used to extract metals from your tissue, can also aid in detoxification. We also suggest Detoxamin, a chelating agent used for heavy metal detox, which binds to the heavy metals and moves them out of the body through urine and feces. For true, one-on-one consultation on heavy metal detoxification, don’t hesitate to call us, today. Palos Verdes: 310-392-9190 Why smoking bans and detox can save your lifeAuthor: Jessica10.29.2012
We cheered when we heard this one. There’s yet another study that says indoor smoking bans are saving lives. According to a report by the Nicotine Dependence Center at the Mayo Clinic, heart attack indices dropped 33 percent after implementation of ordinances banning smoking in restaurants and the workplace. That’s great! Smoking, of course, is detrimental to the body. It’s not just the cardiovascular system that suffers; it’s your nervous system, your skin, your colon and everything else. Even secondhand smoke is considered a big risk for cardiovascular disease. “All people should avoid second-hand smoke exposure as much as possible, and those with coronary heart disease should have no exposure to second-hand smoke,” noted the researchers. California was the first state to enact a statewide smoking ban. That was back in 1995. Since then, several states have followed suit. Those states with bans have seen a reduction in hospital admissions, with a major decrease in deaths from coronary events, cerebrovascular accidents and respiratory disease. Use colon hydrotherapy to detox Smoke can clog your entire system with tar and toxins. Those toxins soak into your bloodstream from the colon, polluting your body. But you can start to get rid of them by cleansing your colon. Think of it as washing out the pipes in your home, pushing all of the dirt through so that water can flow smoothly. Colon hydrotherapy is the same concept. Warm, gentle, distilled water runs throughout the colon, hydrating while eliminating waste that’s stuck. After waste is removed, your body continues the detox process, healing itself. Whether you’re a recovering smoker, trying to quit or around someone that smokes, it’s important to start detoxifying as soon as possible. Contact us today to create a customized plan:
Why you need to say “no” to dental mercuryAuthor: Jessica08.20.2012
There has been a long debate about the use of mercury in dental fillings. But to us, it’s not much of a debate. You should say “no” to mercury when it comes to your health and the environment. There are more groups than ever trying to stop the use of mercury in dentistry. That’s because there are numerous studies, reports and articles that confirm just how dangerous the metal can be. But only 24 percent of consumers are aware that “silver fillings” contain mercury, according to So it’s crucial to spread the word. How it harms your health Amalgam fillings and quicksilver both contain the toxic heavy metal. And that can really hurt your health. Dental mercury has been shown to cause brain damage, neurological problems and kidney issues. It can also cause problems with fetuses in pregnant women, causing brain development problems and other health issues. The mercury usually makes its way into your body through those silver fillings that you so often see in teeth. It then accumulates and sticks with you, being stored in the body and remaining toxic. According to, there are between 313 and 411 tons of mercury used each year for dental fillings. And approximately 50 percent of amalgam fillings are filled with mercury. How it harms the environment Mercury isn’t only harmful to your health; it’s devastating to the environment. According to, an organization against the use of mercury in dentistry, Amalgam can pollute our water through dental clinic releases, our air through cremation and our land via landfills. And once it’s in the environment, dental mercury becomes even more toxic, converting to methylmercury. Use heavy metal detox to get rid of it Chelation therapy can help you get rid of mercury and other toxic heavy metals. We suggest using Detoxamin or another chelating agent to help rid the body of any metals that have built up in the body. Symptoms you may have heavy metal poisoning include chronic malaise, constant infections, neurological disorders, confusion and dizziness. For more information on heavy metal detox and the dangers of mercury, contact us today!
3 ways a colonic can help you detoxAuthor: Jessica05.11.2012
If you’re feeling bogged down, it may be time for a detox. Junk food, alcohol and other toxins can put a tremendous amount of weight on the body, both mentally and physically. While a healthy diet filled with fresh organic fruits and vegetables is a good way to get your body back on track, sometimes you need an extra boost. Here are three ways colon hydrotherapy can get you back on track: Completely clears it out A colonic removes all of the impacted waste in the colon, acting as stimulation for the natural peristalsis of the body. It’s basically a reset button for your digestive tract. Your body has a chance to absorb more of the nutrients that you provide it with. To add to the detoxification process, you may want to start eating vegetable-based meals and fruits with high fiber, which can act as a natural scrub brush in the digestive tract. Helps with clarity Many of our Santa Monica, CA, clients tell us that they feel better after their session. But it’s not just our clients. People who receive regular colonic irrigation sessions claim to have more energy, better clarity and a higher concentration level. It will also help with bloating and food cravings. Gets rid of bad habits A detox will help you get away from your daily grind. It will decrease your cravings for coffee, alcohol and junk food. It gives you a break from your bad habits, which may lead to their elimination — we can only hope. For information on colonics, wellness and detox programs, call us at one of our Los Angeles spas: Palos Verdes Spa – 310-392-9190 Santa Monica Spa – 310-399-1722 The “Do as One” Celebration is today!Author: Jessica10.28.2011
The ninth wave of the Mayan calendar is coming to a close. To celebrate, “Do As One” is teaming up with the “Tree of Life Celebration” in order to unite people across the globe to breathe together synchronously on their website, Do As One is promoting unity consciousness, or M.A.S.S. Consciousness – Multiple Awareness Simultaneous Consciousness. The non-profit group is trying to spread the long-standing idea that we are all one, and that unified breathing throughout the world can have a major impact on humanity. Do As One uses quantum physics to support their idea, stating that, “quantum physics continues to prove that we are all connected on a grid that we cannot even see”. The magic of the connection can be felt through unified deep breathing. At Transformational Health Palos Verdes and Santa Monica, we promote deep breathing as part of an overall wellness plan. Combined with colon hydrotherapy in Los Angeles, we believe that deep breathing should be part of every wellness therapy. That’s why we’ll be joining today in their Universal Breathing Room. The 13 Intentions The group has universal deep breathing rooms open to the public to support the 13 Grand Intentions, which include unconditional love, nourishment, peace, health, oneness, harmony, compassion, joy, beauty, conscious breathing, abundance, gratitude and forgiveness. The intentions utilize the power of the M.A.S.S to boost energy within each intention throughout the world. Their Vision Do As One aims to have one billion people breathe together synchronously by November 11, 2012. But today they simply want to bring people throughout the world together to breathe simultaneously and promote health and oneness. How it works When you visit the site you’ll be able to join the “Universal Breathing Room” or various other rooms. Once you begin, you’ll be deep breathing in real time with people across the globe at a pace of five breaths per minute. The celebration not only promotes world-wide unity, but it also places an emphasis on health. Deep breathing helps to oxygenate the body, heighten awareness and increase overall wellness. Joins us today on to celebrate unity consciousness and overall wellness. If you’re seeking an overall wellness plan, contact us today and ask about our spa packages and colon hydrotherapy Los Angeles sessions. Depression and the Gut – Another testament for colonicsAuthor: Jessica10.12.2011
If you’re suffering from depression, it may have more to do with what you’re eating than anything else. Studies have recently been pointing to a connection between inflammation within the gastrointestinal tract and depression. The studies indicate that chronic inflammation within the gut can lead to depression, and that treating inflammation within the gut can improve depression and other related diseases. It’s been noticed that depression is often a symptom of autoimmune diseases and other illnesses that have to do with chronic inflammation. Since the gut is directly connected to the brain in very intricate ways, it’s very possible that inflammation within the gut has a direct effect on mood. The gut to brain connection Literally referred to as the second brain, the gut has larger amounts of serotonin – a neurotransmitter associated with mood – than the brain. Due to its large amount of serotonin – and because the gut reports directly to the brain – the gut is able to influence mood. The bacteria in your gut are alive, active and highly dependent on the foods you put into your body for survival. When the bacteria – or microflora – of the gut are healthy, your body is more likely to be healthy. However, good bacteria are easily compromised by processed foods and sweeteners – eating these types of foods can cause inflammation. Since the gut is connected directly to the brain, chronic inflammation throughout the digestive tract can cause mood disorders and several other ailments. Treating depression and inflammation By treating chronic inflammation though diet and colonics, it’s possible to eradicate depression and other illnesses. First and foremost, we recommend colon hydrotherapy for the overall well-being of your digestive tract. Colonics can clear the colon of harmful waste and bacteria that promote disease within the body. Cleansing is an important step in the detox process, clearing the way for the microflora of your gut to grow healthy. Along with diet changes, we recommend regular colon hydrotherapy for optimum health. We also advise eliminating or greatly reducing sugar intake. Sugar triggers a number of chemical reactions throughout the body, which in turn can create chronic inflammation. It can also disturb the balance of bacteria in the gut, which can easily alter mood. Additional changes in diet along with reducing sugar intake should also be implemented along with colon cleansing. Eating traditionally-made and unpasteurized fermented foods such as kefir or lassi can help optimize the bacteria in your gut. Probiotic supplements can also help restore the microflora in the digestive tract. Vitamin D and animal-based omega-3 fats are also vital for reducing inflammation and promoting a healthy mood. Omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to have a positive influence on those struggling with depression, and vitamin D is vital for controlling the inflammatory response, regulating mood and for immune system function. If you’re struggling with depression, schedule your personalized detox program today. We’ll set up a regimen of colonics and other therapies to promote overall well-being. Palos Verdes Spa – 310-392-9190 Santa Monica Spa – 310-399-1722 Take Control of Your HealthAuthor: Jessica09.27.2010
At Transformational Health, we seek to educate our clients on the ways in which they can take control of their own health. Through colonics and personalized detox programs, YOU will be able to dictate the direction of your health and drive your body towards overall wellbeing. Regular colonics, healthy diet, raindrop therapy, lymph massage and personalized detox programs can prevent you from requiring prescription drugs, thereby decreasing the amount of visits to the doctor. While visiting the doctor may be beneficial for certain illnesses or accidents, it’s sometimes not in your best interest. recently published an article titled, “How Drug Companies Brainwash Doctors so Doctors Brainwash You with Drugs.” The article speaks of the various ways in which drug companies influence doctors to prescribe certain medications to their clients. Courting your doctor occurs as early as their early years in medical school and continues throughout a doctor’s career. It goes as far as offering payment in return for prescription of their products.
Free samples of drugs are one major way that doctors promote a particular drug over a drug where that patent has worn off. These companies give out free samples of ‘newer’ drugs and provide incentives to doctors for promoting their brand. Incentives not only include the occasional no-strings attached check, but free lunches and vacations as well.
Transformational Health in Palos Verdes and Santa Monica suggests you thoroughly research any medication either prescribed or gifted to you. We also suggest taking control of your health through regular colonics and detoxification programs. Both of our offices offer consultations for your personal health goals and supply you with options to improve your quality of life without the use of prescription drugs.
We offer services including:
So what is the story with Evercleanse?Author: Jessica12.30.2007
Many of you have heard the Evercleanse commercials on your radio and many of you have asked us about the system. So we looked into it for you and can say it is not a trustworthy product to buy. The Evercleanse site is not professionally designed, they market through radio infomercials to sell their products online and via the phone. We tried to find information on their herbal complexes and what the ingredients are, but we haven’t been able to find it. Given the high costs and lack of information, we don’t recommend buying this product. Another reason we feel this way is the lack of being able to monit0r their customers while taking the cleansing products. We endorse the Arise and Shine Cleanse and recommend the 7 and 30 day programs based on their cleansing needs. We are happy to design a custom nutritional detox/cleansing program for all our clients at our Palos Verdes or Santa Monica location. This insures the client’s success. All our clients are closely monitored while cleansing. The Reversal ProcessAuthor: Jessica07.21.2007
The Reversal Process Nature cures, but she must have an opportunity. We must stop hindering her. There can be no tissue recovery without “side effects” – good side effects. Drugs suppress discharge; nature brings it out. The REVERSAL process is natures way. Catarrh, phlegm, and mucus are found at the beginning of mostdiseases. Suppression is the usual answer. Nature wants to aid it to exit. Herring’s Law; “All disease is corrected from within out, from the head down and in reverse order as we have built it up in the body.” It works exactly as described. “You don’t have to seek a miracle; you are one.” A HEALING CRISIS takes from 2 to 5 days, usually; often 3 days. The difference between a HEALING CRISIS and a DISEASE CRISIS: a disease crisis comes when we are run down or under unusual stress. A HEALING CRISIS comes right at a time when we have never felt better. It comes after a person has begun a right-living program. It should be greatly welcomed. It is the “good” side effect of tissue recovery. Disease can progress to the point of “no recovery”, and then the only way to cope may be with drugs. But we shouldn’t wait till that point to act. Disease preys on a weak and malnourished body. When the doctor suppresses the symptoms, he creates new diseases now known as “Iatrogenic” diseases, or “doctor-produced” diseases. The “cure” creates new diseases to be “cured” with more drugs that create more diseases to be cured by more drugs, etc. This method has a “built-in” guaranteed income for the doctors and the undertaker. There are many ways of practicing the healing art, but only one way that heaven approves of. Because we are so conditioned to think that the (medical) Doctor has the only way, one must accept that his way is not “working”. Then Faith must be established in nature’s way. The body is servant to the mind. Mechanical manipulations may be helpful. Massage, muscle stimulation, physical therapy and reflexology can help to stimulate circulation and aid in carrying off toxic wastes; but without cleansing the body, these manipulations never last as the tissues, ligaments and very structure of the body are so compromised by the high levels of toxicity that these therapies have little lasting – GOOD BLOOD, the result of good nutrition after cleansing – GOOD CIRCULATION, the result of “passive” or “active” exercise. A sluggish, toxic body cannot keep up with its demands. When the tissues are cleansed and we are well nourished, we can expect a “healing crisis” to take place. You will not be raising your children as doctor bills. The husband won’t be taking pills at the end of the day and the wife won’t be depending on suppressant drugs for catarrhal discharge. No doctor should be depending on suppressant drugs for catarrhal discharge. No doctor should object to this sort of program, (cleansing and rebuilding) and all of society should be interested in it. FOOD IS YOUR BEST MEDICINE.
There is much more to health than eating, even though some appear to think that is all, judging by the waistline. Good health principles apply to us all alike, but we are not all alike; and the application of these principles may differ greatly from person to person. We can’t have hate part of the time and love part of the time, or the mind will become mixed up. By the same token, we can’t eat good food part of the time and junk food the other part, or the body will be mixed up. The way we live today will determine your future. What you eat today will walk and When people decide to change their way of life for the better and seek a cleansing program for getting a new start, they are often confused at what happens to them. A few days after beginning a detoxifying program they experience symptoms of a disease or condition which they had earlier, but The reversal process means that we go back over illnesses we have had in the past. Most people, when they are sick, take drugs, which do not remove the cause, but they suppress the symptoms. The person thinks he is well, but the toxicity which the body had tried to eliminate at the time of the If we can remember that all “disease is an effort of the body to rid itself of waste which has built up due to the transgression of the laws of health, we can better understand what is happening when we develop some of the same problems we have had previously. If we have hindered the body from doing There may be no other factor that so contributes to a buildup of toxicity in the body as an underactive bowel. Some of us feel that the bowels should move every time solid food is eaten. Babies do this until they are taught the “nicety” of not allowing it to happen. We “potty train” them as early I have have found that the first and most important task in restoring normal healthy body functions to cleanse the bowels and begin to establish good bowel action. With this the other various organs and systems of elimination can finally begin to do their job. This is simply due to “getting out of The Royal Society of Medicine in Great Britain, once compiled a report indicating that over 36 toxins may be found in the bowel, some of which are able to get into the bloodstream in cases of constipation, “leaky gut syndrome” and bowel under-activity. Examples include indol, skatol, phenol, Colon Hydrotherapy (colonic irrigation) in conjunction with an herbal detoxification program is the single most important beginning to any HEALTH BUILDING regime. And working with a qualified therapist who can assist you individually will make the cleansing process a most amazing experience. Remember HERRINGS LAW: “All disease is corrected from within out, from the head down, and in reverse order as we have built it up in the body.” This is called the “reversal process” and it works exactly as described. You don’t have to seek a miracle; you ARE one,” says Dr. Bernard Jensen. |