Archive for the 'Diets' CategoryWhat’s the blood type diet?Author: Jessica05.28.2015
Gluten-free, paleo, raw — there seem to be so many different types of specialized diets these days, it’s hard to keep up. And, for good reason. Nutrition is not a one-size-fits-all kind of science. While a vegan diet might be super healthy for one person, another person may find themselves weak and lethargic, without meat and diary.
There’s a new diet on the rise that nods its head at the idea that diets ought to be specific to the individual, and that’s the Blood Type Diet.
This way of eating gains its momentum under the idea that people with certain blood types are prone to certain types of diseases.
For instance, if you’re a type A, you should actually stay away from red meat, as there’s a correlation between type a blood and heart disease.
Let’s take a look at what’s okay and not okay to chow down on (and how to exercise), depending on the type of blood running through your veins.
Type A
As we’ve said, Type A does best with a veggie-based diet. Although this tends to be good for all blood types, type As ought to eat there foods in as natural a state as possible — fresh and organic.
As far as exercise goes, Type A thrives on “calming” exercise – yoga, thai chi, meditation, etc. heavy exercise makes cortisol levels rise to extreme levels in type As, which adds stress, and ends up being worse for their health, in the long-run.
Type B
Bs are best when they consume corn, wheat, lentils, tomatoes, and peanuts. All of these foods are said to improve your body’s metabolic processing. One thing Bs might miss though is chicken. Instead, as far as meat goes, Type B should consume other lean dark meats like lamb and venison.
When it comes to exercise, Bs do well when then engage in physical activities that challenge the mind as well as the body — things like tennis, golf, and martial arts.
Type AB
Seafood is where its at with Type AB. The more seafood the better. Also, AB should avoid combining certain foods, for instance, don’t put starches and proteins together in the same meal.
Change things up when it comes to your work out, too. One day do some heavy cardio, while the next, try some tai chi or even gardening.
Type O
Type O have an easy time metabolizing proteins and fats, so red meat and avocados are definitely not the worst thing for you (in moderation, of course)!
On the bodily movement end of things, Type O benefits tremendously from heavy-exertion workouts both in the cardio-vascular and skeletal-muscular systems. Don’t be afraid to push yourself.
Call us today to sign up for custom health and wellness programs.
![]() The beginner’s guide to fiberAuthor: Jessica11.19.2014
You probably aren’t getting enough fiber in your diet. Most Americans aren’t. According to a report from the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, most of us are only getting around 15 grams of fiber per day. And that’s far off from what we should be getting. In fact, the Institute of Medicine says that we need around twice that amount to really keep our digestion running smooth. Here’s a short guide to fiber, including what it does, how much you need and where you can get it. Why does it matter? Just like oil in an engine, fiber is the stuff that keeps your digestion running on all cylinders. The stuff is found naturally in the plants we eat. There are two types of dietary fiber.
But not only is fiber important for digestion, it plays a critical role in preventing conditions like heart disease, diabetes, obesity and, of course, constipation. How much fiber do I really need? Men and women require slightly different amounts. According to the Institute of Medicine, women need somewhere around 25 grams of fiber daily, while men require about 38 grams per day. Of course, needs vary from person to person. But those amounts can serve as a good daily guideline. Keep your amount of fiber regular, and you’ll help prevent trips to the doctor. Where can I get it? The easiest way to add additional fiber in your diet is by eating more vegetables, fruit, beans, whole grains and nuts, according to the U.S. government’s dietary guidelines. But don’t forget about beans. You really can’t miss here. Try all kinds. Then try peas, artichokes, raspberries and even prunes on for size. You can also get a good amount of fiber from dark leafy greens, which should be always be in your daily diet. Check out our organic food diet guide to help get on track. What are some easy ways I can add more?
For more information on fiber, or to talk about alternative health methods, give us a call at our Palos Verdes Spa location. Obesity myths and how to remain healthyAuthor: Jessica01.30.2013
We’re glad someone finally busted some long-held myths about obesity. In this case, it was a group of doctors in Wednesday’s online issue of the New England Journal of Medicine. These doctors wanted to set the record straight about some commonly held misconceptions. These stem from the media and government agencies. Here are the myths:
Staying healthy The CDC defines obesity as anyone having a body mass index of 30 or over. But we all know that BMI is a poor measurement of health. For example, athletes often have high BMIs but relatively little fat on their bodies. Still, a 30 BMI is pretty high if you’re the average adult. So, if you’re looking to lose weight, here’s how we suggest going about it:
What do you think about those obesity myths? Do the doctors have it right? Why do the Japanese live so long?Author: Jessica12.05.2012
Where do you think the U.S. ranks for male and female life expectancy? Sadly, it’s not even close to the first spot. Nope, according to the Global Burden of Disease study by the World Health Organization, the U.S. takes 29th place for male life expectancy and 33rd for female. Japan, on the other hand, takes first place for both. The Japanese were also ranked the healthiest back in 1990. So, why do the people of Japan live so long? While the study couldn’t say exactly, it didn’t hint that genetics and healthy behavior, including diet, all play a part. Check out our blog on the secrets to a long life. The Japanese diet Due to the heavy amount of fish that the Japanese eat, their diets are heavy in omega-3 fats. That’s one nutrient that most Americans are deficient in. Those who have an omega-3 index of less than 4 percent age much faster than those with indexes above 8 percent, Dr. William Harris tells Dr. Mercola. And the Japanese also eat plenty of fermented foods, which can really boost health, notes Dr. Mercola. Eating right in California Eating well isn’t the only healthy behavior that may boost your lifespan. But it’s certainly a major one. We suggest an organic food diet. Focus on whole, unprocessed foods from local sources and avoid sugar and fructose as a general rule. Here’s how to feel full and promote gut healthAuthor: Jessica07.02.2012
Your diet is vital to the health of your gut and microbiome. If you want to stay healthy, you’ll need a balanced diet – preferably with organic foods. What you eat and how you eat are far more important than how much you eat. Here are some ways to feel full on less and promote the health of your gut: Drink more water It sounds simple, but drinking at least two cups of water (16 ounces) before meals will fill you up and keep you hydrated. Water is vital for the function of your organs. It promotes cleansing throughout the body. Keep yourself hydrated throughout the day and wellness will follow. Eat fresh fish Fresh fish can keep you full for hours. It’s packed with omega-3 fats, which tend to keep your fuller for longer than beef. Omega-3 fatty acids are also vital for brain function and other functions throughout the body. Your gut will thank you later. Go nuts Raw nuts are filled with nutrition. They pack fiber, protein and fats into a small serving size — you’re getting more out of eating less. Nuts may also increase metabolism. Bring on the beans Packed with fiber and protein, beans will fill you up and promote gut health. Eat several kinds of beans to get a variety in your diet. They can substitute for some proteins in a vegan diet. For more information on organic diets, cleansing, wellness and health, contact us at one of our two Los Angeles spas today:
Switching to an organic food diet via colon hydrotherapyAuthor: Jessica03.09.2012
We get a lot of questions from clients and from soon-to-be clients about food transitioning. It sounds easy enough, but switching your diet from an unhealthy regime to a well-balanced organic food diet is difficult. It not only takes a lot of will-power, it takes a lot of body maintenance. Because organic foods have a very high nutrient and vitamin level, your body may take some time to get used acquainted with the new eating regime – especially if you’ve been on a fast-food diet. But receiving a regular colonic can really aid in the transition process and help with diarrhea and constipation problems. Why it helps Your colon can contain compacted fecal matter, which can release toxins into the body. Colon hydrotherapy clears the entire colon of excess waste and stimulates natural regeneration and peristalsis in the body. Stimulating the body’s natural function and clearing waste gets the body ready for a new diet. Your cravings for sugar, dairy and meat may completely go away, and your metabolism will normalize and gradually accept the new food. Organic food diet guide At our Los Angeles spas, we recommend to our clients that they gradually switch from their current diet to organic food with the aid of colonics and lymphatic massage. Slowly get rid of foods that contain sugars, gluten and dairy and add in greens like kale and spinach to support the process. After you’ve slowly built up your body’s natural tolerance to raw foods, start eliminating tap water from your diet — purchase a water filter instead of drinking water straight out of the tap. We also suggest only buying fruit that is in season and locally grown – there are fewer pesticides used. Check out our Organic food diet guide for a full list of acceptable and unacceptable foods. Additional alternative therapy Juice fasting in addition to colonic irrigation can have a tremendously good detoxification effect on the body. The pure natural juice, made from organic fruits and vegetables, helps to heal and rejuvenate the body for overall wellness in body and mind. For a consultation and personalized detox program, please call us at one of our two Los Angeles colon hydrotherapy spa locations: Palos Verdes Spa – 310-392-9190 Santa Monica Spa – 310-399-1722 The benefits of eating organicAuthor: Jessica07.28.2011
With more and more pesticides being used to grow food, buying organic is becoming increasingly more important for our health. Steroids and growth hormones are used in farm animals that we consume on a daily basis. But animal products aren’t the only ones affected; vegetables and fruits are getting a full on assault of pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers in order for farmers to grow a larger crop. Chemicals in our foods affect our bodies in ways we can’t even begin to understand. Now the health community is finally catching on and advising consumers to start eating organic. Free of hormones Hormones fed to animals can directly affect us. Along with the meat we consume, we also consume anything that the animal has been exposed to. That means that we are indirectly consuming the hormones. This can affect the natural balance of our bodies. Organic meat is hormone free. At Transformational Health in Palos Verdes and Santa Monica, we advise our patients to eat organic when possible, and to cleanse the body with regular colonics to get rid of harmful chemicals. No pesticides or herbicides It’s no secret that a majority of food is currently grown with pesticides and herbicides to maximize the output of crop. These poisons, used to kill off bugs and weeds, can greatly damage our bodies. Often, the chemicals are still on the food when they enter the home. Organic foods are grown without the presence of chemicals, providing all the nutrition without the damaging effects of the pesticides or herbicides. More antioxidants Antioxidants are vital for clearing the body of free radicals, which may contribute to cancer and other diseases. Organic foods generally have a higher level of antioxidants because they are fresher to the market. Fruits and vegetables are packed with antioxidants. Some examples of foods containing high amounts of these free radical fighters include asparagus, beets, mangoes, peaches, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, berries, kale, strawberries, broccoli, nuts, papaya and spinach. Supports the local community Buying organic foods at your local farmer’s market is not only good for your health; it’s good for the local economy. Many non-corporate farmers struggle to keep up with the booming farming business, and purchasing produce from their market will allow them to keep providing you with fresh fruits, vegetables and meats so you can keep eating organic. We believe in combining an organic lifestyle with regular colonics to promote overall well-being. Contact us today to create your personal detox program. Palos Verdes: 310-392-9190 Santa Monica: 310-399-1722 About Company A Santa Monica, California Hydrotherapy Colonics company, specializes in internal body cleansing, nutrition education and wellness promotion. As a Santa Monica Hydrotherapy Colonics specialist and Palos Verdes Hydrotherapy Colonics specialist, many California residents rely on for hydrotherapy products, resources and information. For more information and to browse a selection of high-quality natural products, please visit
Why Real Butter is Crucial to Your DietAuthor: Jessica06.04.2009
While processed food manufacturers may claim that margarine and other butter “alternatives” are healthy options for your diet, Donna Gates debunks these myths in “The 20 Health Benefits of Real Butter.” Gates’ article reveals the truth behind the margarine versus butter debate: butter is better. For anyone familiar with the development of processed foods, you know that the additives and methods used in creating much of the food in grocery stores are toxic for our bodies. In the butter debate, though, so many of us believe that processed margarines are better for our diets because they are lower in fat and cholesterol. However, fat and cholesterol are not evil. In fact, they are vital to our existence. We just need to consume them in moderation. Eating margarine eliminates some of the healthy fats we need in our diets and replaces them with hydrogenated and processed polyunsaturated oils that create serious health risks. From protecting against tooth decay to providing Vitamins E and K, Gates’ list of the 20 benefits of butter reveals that butter, in its natural state, is naturally good for us. While some cholesterol-free and fat-free food manufacturers want us to believe that eliminating fats and cholesterols from diets is good, the cholesterol in butter is vital to children’s brains and nervous system development. It’s no secret that America has a serious obesity problem, and much of this issue can be attributed to our reliance on processed foods – even the foods that are fat-free. When the body is clouded with unnatural food additives and chemicals, the digestive system cannot function properly. Gates suggests that replacing that jar of margarine in the refrigerator with homemade raw and organic butter provides relief from some of these toxins. Read all of Gates’ article HERE, and discover one of the keys to detoxifying your body on the way to better living. About Company A Santa Monica, California Hydrotherapy Colonics company, specializes in internal body cleansing, nutrition education and wellness promotion. As a Santa Monica Hydrotherapy Colonics specialist and Palos Verdes Hydrotherapy Colonics specialist, many California residents rely on for hydrotherapy products, resources and information. For more information and to browse a selection of high-quality natural products, please visit Juice Cleansing – The Benefits of Clearing Your SystemAuthor: Jessica05.29.2009
Think about your daily intake: a quick fast food breakfast in the morning, breathing in secondhand smoke on an afternoon walk and taking medicine for a headache when you return home in the evening. Throughout each day, we consume loads of preservatives and pollutants that our bodies are not meant to digest. While exercise and rest can help rid our bodies of some of these unnatural products, many toxins remain in our systems. With these toxins clogging your digestive tract, you can experience a variety of uncomfortable symptoms. From constipation to extreme fatigue and depression, an unclean colon can lead to plenty of other personal health problems that make day-to-day living more challenging. Juice cleansing is a natural way to help our bodies to feel fresher, brighter and better. Because of so many pollutants in your digestive tract, your colon may have trouble releasing all of the harmful material in your body’s system. While some forms of detoxification can be somewhat stressful and challenging on the body, juice cleansing is a painless way to ensure that your body is working well. When paired with a diet change, juice cleansing can also help spur a healthy weight loss. Juice cleansing diets operate on different schedules. Shorter cleansings require three days of abstaining from food while drinking only juice, and more rigorous cleansings can last an entire month. The mixture helps flush the toxins from your system and breaks down any colon buildup. While some people worry that juice cleansings can deprive your body of nutrients from food, fresh squeezed fruit and vegetable juices provide plenty of vitamins and minerals that keep your immune system strong. You can find recipes for juice cleansing on websites for natural healing practices. All of these recipes will involve fruits, vegetables and water, which help maintain an appropriate level of energy while keeping you hydrated. After a proper juice cleansing, you can expect to feel a significant energy boost while feeling confident that your digestive system will work more efficiently. Depending on your workplace, stress level and a number of other factors, you may want to consider juice cleansings multiple times each year. About Company A Santa Monica, California Hydrotherapy Colonics company, specializes in internal body cleansing, nutrition education and wellness promotion. As a Santa Monica Hydrotherapy Colonics specialist and Palos Verdes Hydrotherapy Colonics specialist, many California residents rely on for hydrotherapy products, resources and information. For more information and to browse a selection of high-quality natural products, please visit Why Organic Foods May Be The Key to Good HealthAuthor: Jessica05.06.2009
Many of us see the organic aisle at our local grocery stores and wonder what exactly the “organic” tag means. Is it just a word that means paying a bit more in the checkout lane? Or does organic food actually justify a small price increase? And what does organic food taste like? The truth is that organic food is incredibly beneficial for our digestive systems and tastes just as good, if not better, than other foods that we buy and eat on a regular basis. For so many grocery store shoppers, the produce aisle is the place for finding those extra sources of vitamins and minerals that we believe are the key to leading healthy lifestyles. While fruits and vegetables are essential to a well-balanced diet, many bananas, apples and other so-called “healthy” foods can be loaded with pesticides and toxins that preserve their longevity on the shelf. Some farmers use pesticides to prevent insects from destroying crops and large produce companies want to use preservatives that help fruits and vegetables look appealing for a longer period of time. While these pesticides and preservatives can be helpful for selling fruits and vegetables, they can carry toxins that are damaging to our health. Our bodies are not meant to eat spray pesticides and additional chemicals that are standard on so many farms. Eating organic means avoiding these pesticides and preservatives that can be so harmful. Farmers grow organic foods without the assistance of pesticides or drugs, keeping these types of food in their most natural state. Our bodies digest organic foods with ease because they lack the chemicals of so many cans, bags and containers of other foods that line the grocery store. Organic goes much further than the produce aisle, too. Eating organic meat can be very beneficial for our digestive systems, too. Organic meat comes from animals that are typically raised on healthy diets without the aid of growth hormones or steroids. On your next grocery store trip, be sure to look for those “organic” and “all-natural” tags. They might be the most important step toward your healthy diet. About Company A Santa Monica, California Hydrotherapy Colonics company, specializes in internal body cleansing, nutrition education and wellness promotion. As a Santa Monica Hydrotherapy Colonics specialist and Palos Verdes Hydrotherapy Colonics specialist, many California residents rely on for hydrotherapy products, resources and information. For more information and to browse a selection of high-quality natural products, please visit |