Archive for the 'Lymphatic Information' CategoryCellulite can be massaged awayAuthor: Jessica03.06.2013
We’ve shown over and over again that lymphatic massage really is beneficial in helping to combat symptoms of serious illness. But maybe you didn’t know that the detox procedure might also improve one’s physical appearance, too. A fairly recent study seems to be telling us just that. Cellulite can be embarrassing, despite the fact that it occurs in 80 to 90 percent of all women. A 2011 study published in the US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health notes that lymphatic massage can help treat the unsightly condition. Manual lymph drainage (along with mechanical lymph drainage and cervical stimulation) was performed on 14 patients aged 19–36, with clinically diagnosed cellulite. Patients were treated 1.5 hours a day for 10 sessions, over a 2 week period. Before and after photos were evaluated by two examiners, in which they found a lessened appearance of cellulite, post lymphatic massage treatment. Scientists responsible for the study — José Maria Pereira de Godoy and Maria de Fátima Guerreiro de Godoy — say that this doesn’t seem to be a mere temporary solution to the problem either. “We’ve been studying this technique for 10 years, and have seen that results can be maintained for years, as long as the patient does not put on weight or present with edema, so the results are long-lasting,” said Jose and Maria Godoy. Keep in mind that there is no current catch-all cure for cellulite. However, a regularly-performed, cleansing procedure like this can notably curb appearances of the estrogen-induced dimpling fat. Lymphatic massage seems to be a much better option than Botox and other cosmetic surgeries, where results are costly, uncertain, and sometimes even damaging. If you’re in need of alternative wellness detoxification solutions around Santa Monica and Palos Verdes, don’t hesitate to reach out to us with your questions. We’re here for you. Palos Verdes: 310-392-9190 ![]() Lymphatic massage benefits are now backed by scienceAuthor: Jessica02.20.2013
Yep, lymphatic massage isn’t just an alternative wellness treatment (although that certainly says a lot on its own). It also has mainstream science on its side, according to a recent study published by the International Journal of Neuroscience. We have long been privy to the power of manual lymphatic drainage in helping overcome headaches, constipation and bronchitis. But neuroscientists are now giving the technique some big support, saying that there’s overwhelming evidence that that it helps fight stress. In a nutshell, the study reports that lymphatic massage has significantly positive effects on the sympathetic nervous system , which is the part of the nervous system that produces the fight or flight response. Thirty-two healthy males were tested by monitoring their heart rate variability. The tests showed that there was a considerable difference between those who received massage and those in the control group, ultimately displaying that lymphatic massage really does help relieve stress. Of course, we already knew that, but it’s nice to hear some mainstream science finally backing it up. That’s not it, though. For years, we have emphasized that LM has great detoxification and cancer-risk reduction properties, but science is making a greater claim that it might also be beneficial for those who already have cancer. It might not be new news to you that organizations like Cancer Research UK endorses manual lymphatic drainage in some situations for lymphedema swelling (a common symptom in some cancers), but maybe you weren’t aware of any specific studies. Well, a study done by UK-based Marie Curie Cancer Care concluded that the procedure significantly reduced pain in women with breast cancer-related lymphedema. This study is very telling of the benefits of lymphatic massage. Again, just another example of contemporary science shedding light on what eastern medicine has known for thousands of years. Interested in learning more about the scientific advocacy of lymphatic massage around Santa Monica and Palos Verdes? Don’t hesitate to contact us with your questions. Palos Verdes: 310-392-9190 What do lymphatic massage and Tai chi have in common?Author: Jessica11.09.2012
There are an estimated 5 million American adults living with fibromyalgia, and 80 to 90 percent of those are women. But men and children also have the disorder. It’s a harsh illness, to say the least, with symptoms including widespread pain, tender points on the body, trouble sleeping, morning stiffness, headaches, tingling and even cognitive problems. While the causes are unknown, current research is looking at how the nervous system may contribute. Still, it could involve several of the body’s systems. So where do lymphatic massage and Tai chi come in? They both can be used as therapy for the disorder. Tai chi and fibromyalgia This ancient Chinese practice involves moving the body slowly with awareness. A 2010 study by the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) found that participants in a Tai chi group had significant improvements in pain, sleep quality, depression and quality of life for 24 weeks after 3 months of practicing Tai chi. Other Chinese techniques involving deliberate physical movement – like qi gong – may also help. We’ve had plenty of clients with the disorder tell us that Tai chi, yoga and meditation help out. So, it’s definitely worth a try. Lymphatic massage can help symptoms as well Another study involved the use of lymph massage — a technique that’s used to move fluid through the lymph and away from areas where lymph vessels are blocked or damaged — to see if it would help patients. The researchers reported that it reduced pain, improved quality of life and improved the pain pressure threshold in test subjects. We’ve certainly seen a difference in our patients with the disease. They tell us that there is less pain overall. Of course, the best treatment is to combine these alternative therapies. We find that our patients who practice several alternative therapies tend to do the best. For more information, contact us today: Palos Verdes Spa – 310-392-9190 3 things that get your lymph flowingAuthor: Jessica07.04.2012
Whereas the circulatory system gets its power from the heart, your lymphatic system gets is oomph and flow from movement. It doesn’t have the advantage of a central pump, so it has to rely on your everyday activity. It’s a one-way system. That is, the flow of lymph only moves in one direction throughout the body. Valves keep it from moving backwards. Lymphatic fluid delivers nutrients and oxygen to the cells in the body. It also removes waste, viruses and other toxins out of the body. But if your fluid is stagnant, it can cause fluid retention, which is bad news. Lymphatic massage is great for moving lymph, but there are plenty of other ways to get your system flowing. Try deep breathing You don’t need to exercise to keep it flowing. While exercise is crucial to the health of your body – we’d never say otherwise – deep diaphragmatic breathing techniques can get things moving just as well as other methods. Slowly breathe in through the nose, pushing your belly out. Then release the breath slowly. Make sure to maintain control of your breathing throughout the entire process. The lung expansion and contraction helps to move lymphatic fluid. Diaphragmatic breathing is, of course, great for overall wellness and health. Try it for at least 10 minutes per day. Get a rebounder Trampolines are an amazing way to exercise. They also happen to be a great way to wake up the lymphatic system. You don’t necessarily have to jump on the trampoline. Just a gentle walk should do. The bounce replicates a free-gravity environment, which gives your lymph a chance to move upward. Go for lymphatic massage Certified therapists can stimulate the flow of lymph within the body. Lymphatic fluid is massaged in the direction of the heart, which brings nutrients in and moves waste out. This is the most beneficial way to promote the health of this vital system. Contact us today for your consultation. For more information on lymphatic massage and other alternative therapies, call us now:
Get rid of sinus infections with lymphatic massageAuthor: Jessica06.27.2012
If you’re allergies are acting up, there’s a better solution than antibiotics. According to recent studies by the Infectious Disease Society of America, antibiotics have been show to be ineffective against acute sinusitis, which usually lasts around 10 days regardless of treatment with antibiotics. Lymphatic drainage massage has been shown to do a better job of moving toxins and bacteria through the sinuses and out of the body. Specifically, facial massage can help with allergy and sinus issues. Here’s how: Facial massage technique Certified practitioners use gentle rhythmic massage on the pea size lymph nodes under the mandible. Muscles are pre-warmed and the lymph nodes are stimulated to open the flow of lymph through the system. Qualified therapists use their hands to feel the natural rhythmic flow of lymph. They note the direction, depth and quality in order to mimic the lymph without disturbing its natural flow and assess the best way to drain fluids. For sinus infections and allergy issues, facial lymphatic massage can remove congested material, which helps the body naturally heal naturally. About the lymphatic system A network of ducks and vessels, the lymph system transfers white blood cells and other antibodies to tissues and organs. They are then used to fight off infections. Think of it as arming certain battle stations within your body to fight off foreign invaders. The lymphatic system relies on muscular units, body movement and water to move lymph throughout the body. Several things can decrease the flow of lymph, including inactivity, infection and food additives. So, it’s necessarily to increase the flow to fight off infections. For more information on allergies, sinus infections and how to fight them with lymphatic massage and other alternative methods, contact us today at one of our Los Angeles area spas: Palos Verdes Spa – 310-392-9190 Santa Monica Spa – 310-399-1722
Boosting immune system function with lymphatic massageAuthor: Jessica06.20.2012
It’s no secret. The lymphatic system is vital to the overall health and wellness of your body. It is made up of a vast network of organs, ducts, nodes and vessels that transport lymph from tissues into the blood stream. And lymph is made up of white blood cells that attack bacteria in the blood and fluid from the intestines, which contains proteins and fats. Because it’s so vital to the function of your immune system, it’s important to give it some care. Lymphatic massage is one way you can treat yourself and boost your immune system at the same time. What is lymph massage? Think of it as a wake-up call for your lymphatic system. It gets everything flowing, which in turn helps kill bacteria and rid your body of toxins. Certified therapists use a gentle, slow rhythmic massage to mimic the natural movement of the lymph system. Every stroke moves skin the direction in which lymph flows naturally to promote the movement of fluid and waste. In order to stimulate the immune system, the massage focuses mainly on the upper body, face, neck and arms. How often? This type of massage can be done year round, but it’s especially important during the cold and flu season. In fact, anytime you’re feeling sick, a round of lymph massage can really help with boosting immune system function. After your massage Drink plenty of water, which will help move waste out of your body. And get some exercise to get things moving even more. We suggest combining lymphatic massage with a colonic for a completely internal cleansing. Contact us today for your wellness consultation at one of our two Los Angeles spas: Palos Verdes Spa – 310-392-9190 Santa Monica Spa – 310-399-1722 Lymphatic massage guideAuthor: Jessica01.20.2012
Developed in the 1930s, lymph massage has a long history of being beneficial to the overall health of the body. It naturally stimulates the body’s lymphatic system, improving metabolism and assisting with the elimination of waste and toxins. Combined with colon hydrotherapy, it’s a crucial instrument in cleansing the body. Lymphatic massage uses gentle, soothing and targeted massage to stimulate the flow of lymph through the body. The increased flow of lymph detoxifies cells and revitalizes internal organ functions. Each session lasts 55 minutes and covers several techniques, including client education. The recommended program is three sessions within the first month. What is Lymph? Lymph is a clear, viscous fluid that flows throughout the tissues of the body. Its purpose is to bring in nutrients and take away waste. Lymph carries the body’s immune response – white blood cells, T-cells and lymphocytes. When your body senses a viral or bacterial intruder, the lymphatic system kicks in and sends extra fluid to the attack site. The benefit of lymphatic massage After you’ve recovered from an illness, extra fluid is left at the attack site, which robs that area of nutrition and oxygen. Lymph drainage increases the ability of the body to process fluids, thus promoting overall wellness. It helps to clean and fortify the blood supply and drain out unwanted toxins. Conditions conditions Lymph massage can help a number of common conditions, including all respiratory ailments. It is especially useful after a surgery because it improves the function of the immune system. Of course, we also recommend a series of colonic sessions after a surgery to bring full function back to the body. Lymphatic massage and a colonic? Because it stimulates waste product removal, lymph massage can greatly enhance the effects of colonics. Abdominal massage can prepare the bowels to receive the colon hydrotherapy and can also ease any discomfort. Want to know more about lymphatic massage, colonics and cleansing? Contact our Los Angeles spas to schedule an appointment for your personalized detox program. Palos Verdes Spa – 310-392-9190 Santa Monica Spa – 310-399-1722 The Trampoline and Lymphatic Drainage MassageAuthor: Jessica11.09.2011
One of our favorite pieces of exercise equipment at our spas in Los Angeles is the trampoline. Why do we believe it’s so beneficial? The human body was made to move. Bathing every cell, the lymph system carries vital nutrients to cells and waste away. But in order to do this important job, the lymph system requires physical movement of the body. Otherwise, the cells are simply sitting in their waste products and waiting for nutrients to arrive. This can cause a variety of conditions such as arthritis, cancer and other diseases. By simply jumping on a trampoline, you increase your lymph flow by 15 to 30 fold. Lymphatic drainage massage and the trampoline Lymph always moves in the same direction through channels called vessels. Because lymph moves in one way, the consistent motion of jumping up and down on the trampoline is perfect for pumping lymph throughout the system. Lymphatic drainage massage is also extremely beneficial for the flow of lymph throughout the body. Lymph massage can aid all respiratory and digestive ailments including constipation, asthma, irritable bowels, bronchitis, sinusitis and headaches, just to name a few. Trampoline and lymph massage for detox and immune system benefits Rebounding – jumping on a trampoline – stimulates organs, moves the cerebral-spinal fluid and is beneficial for the intestines. Cells in the body gain strength in response to the increased G-Force during rebounding, which results in immune cells being up to five times more active. Immune cells are responsible for fighting off viruses, bacteria and even cancer cells, so helping them operate is vital to your health. Jumping on a mini-trampoline along with lymphatic drainage massage directly strengthens the immune system, making it important for your overall health. Daily rebounding and lymph massage offer numerous health benefits:
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Palos Verdes Spa – 310-392-9190 Santa Monica Spa – 310-399-1722 Lymphatic Drainage Massage Santa Monica and Palos VerdesAuthor: Jessica09.16.2011
Many of our clients ask us about lymphatic drainage massage. They want to know how it works and why it’s important for an overall body cleanse. First let’s take a slight dip into the world of the lymphatic system and it’s importance to the function of the body. The lymph system is a vital component of the immune system. It consists of a large network of lymphatic vessels that carry lymph throughout the body to the heart. Lymph is part of the interstitial fluid – a solution within the body that bathes and surrounds cells – which is similar to blood plasma but carries white blood cells. The lymphatic system is vital for removing interstitial fluid from tissues, absorbing fatty acids, transporting white blood cells to and from the lymph nodes to the bones and for transporting antigen-presenting cells to the lymph nodes to stimulate an immune response. Basically, the lymph cleanses the body’s tissues and supports the immune system. Since the lymph system is so close to the tissues of the body, it’s the main way that cancerous cells spread. The lymph vessels also collect a large amount of dead cells, bacteria, inorganic substances, waste products and other toxins, which may account for some illness. That’s why we believe it’s vital to provide your body with lymphatic drainage massage on a regular basis. Our method We provide a very relaxing environment for your lymph massage in Santa Monica or Palos Verdes. We use a gentle, repetitive and rhythmic touch along with circular pumping and tiny vibrations to liquefy any congestion. By stimulating the lymphatic system, we are able to increase the flow of lymph and push out toxins that have gathered within the system. Our trained specialists will guide you through a relaxing session at either of our spas in Los Angeles. Complete body cleanse Since the lymphatic system is vital to the overall health of the body, lymphatic drainage massage can improve function the system and stave off disease. We suggest that you receive a lymph massage at least two to three times per week, especially if you’re feeling an imbalance. In combination with colon hydrotherapy, lymph massage can be significantly beneficial. Contact us today for your consultation:
*** A California Hydrotherapy Colonics company, specializes in internal body cleansing, nutrition education and wellness promotion. As a Santa Monica Hydrotherapy Colonics specialist, Palos Verdes, including South Bay, Gardena, Hawthorne, Hermosa Beach, Lomita, Manhattan Beach, Redondo Beach, San Pedro, Torrance, Santa Monica, Pacific Palisades, Malibu, Los Angeles, Hollywood Hydrotherapy Colonics specialist, many California residents rely on for hydrotherapy products, resources and information. For more information and to browse a selection of high-quality natural products, please visit Lymphatic massage for a better immune systemAuthor: Jessica06.01.2011
The lymphatic system is responsible for regulating the immune system and riding the body of fluid and waste. It also absorbs fatty acids and fats from the circulatory system and transports white blood cells to and from the lymph nodes. Occasionally the lymphatic system can become clogged. Lymph massage stimulates the flow of fluid throughout the lymphatic system to remove harmful substances and increase the function of the immune system. Symptoms of a clogged lymph system When blockages occur in the lymphatic system, the body can become sluggish, tired, heavy and susceptible to infection. Aches, soreness and flu like systems can also be attributed to a congested lymphatic system. A clogged system can also lead to:
The Benefits of Lymphatic Massage
The process At Transformational Health in Palos Verdes, we use a very light pressure with soft pumping movements in the direction of the lymph nodes to stimulate the lymphatic system. It’s important to drink a lot of water after the massage to flush away the toxins. Safety concerns Lymph massage is general considered to be safe. However, like all massage therapies, there can be minor complications. These can include acute inflammation, malignant tumors, thrombosis and major heart problems. To get the best results from a lymphatic massage, use a qualified lymphatic massage therapist. At Transformational Health, we are committed to providing you with the best therapy for your body. We promote overall health and wellness. Contact us today to set up an appointment with a qualified lymphatic massage therapist. Palos Verdes: 310-392-9190