Archive for the 'Wellness' Category5 esteemed wellness therapies you’ve been meaning to tryAuthor: Jessica12.14.2015
For thousands of years, people have been treating their ailments with nothing but the essential elements of the earth – things other than what can be cooked up in a lab. And, for the most part, they’ve found enormous success. It makes sense, doesn’t it? The safest, most effective cures for your sickness and pain and can be found all around you, in their purest form.
Here are a few highly-revered wellness therapies we have to let you in on:1. HomeopathyThis 200-year-old therapy attempts to cure “like with like,” claiming that water has a memory. When the active ingredient is diluted in water, the ingredient is retained, and actually becomes more potent. Homeopathy is painless, incredibly safe, and deals in a substance that’s vital for our livelihood – water.
2. ReikiA product of the far east, Reiki, meaning “universal life energy,” is a process by which a therapist channels energy to a person using touch – which encourages healing. It is said that when one’s energy flow is low, they’re more likely to feel sick or be depressed; and when one’s energy flow is high, they’re more likely to be happy and healthy.
Reiki is also incredibly safe, and although a small number of people might feel some psychological unease from being touched, the therapy is physically painless.
3. Herbal medicine
If it comes from the ground, it’s likely that it’ll fight what’s ailing you – according to herbal medicine, that is. Seeds, roots, berries, bark, leaves, and flowers are all a part of the herbal medicine regiment.
Although it’s important to note that not all herbs have benefits – some can actually be deadly – many do have a positive important on one’s wellness. Ginko has been shown to increase cognitive function, while saw palmetto has been used to treat an enlarged prostate.
4. Acupuncture
Acupuncture may not seem like everyone’s cup of tea, but for thousands of years, the therapy has been sworn by. This ancient practice involves stimulating various parts of the skin with needles to correct imbalances in “flow” throughout the body.
Acupuncture has been shown to be effective to reduce post-chemotherapy vomiting, as well as post operative dental pain.
5. Meditation
Meditation comes in many forms, but most of its forms have been supported by alternative medicine and orthodox science communities, alike. Most meditation involves sitting comfortably with ones eyes closed, observing the breathe and the different sensations of experience.
The long-term benefits of meditation include increased memory function and concentration, as well as a greater sense of well-being.
![]() Natural health practices that workAuthor: Jessica06.25.2015
It’s no surprise that there’s a slew of alternative wellness methods that don’t really do what they claim. Frankly, there’s just a lot of bunk out there, and it’s often difficult to tell the nonsense from the good stuff.
Here’s a quick rundown of a few honest and effective natural health treatments.
Lymph massage
This practice has been shown in many studies to be truly effective. So much is accomplished with a finger pressure of just .5 to 8 ounces per square.
You may not know it, but your body contains something called the lymphatic system, which is part of your cardiovascular system. The lymphatic system contains a plethora of lymph nodes and vessels, responsible for circulating lymph. What is lymph? In a way, it’s one of your body’s many cleansing mechanisms. It absorbs dead cells, bacteria, viruses, and other toxins that could wreak havoc in your body.
Unfortunately, lymph doesn’t always flow properly — it sometimes gets blocked. Through lymph massage’s gentle touch, lymph can be made to flow freely again — continuing to do its necessary job.
Mud Baths
How can making yourself dirty do anything whatsoever for your health? Perhaps you might think this treatment would be doing more harm than good, but this isn’t so. Mud baths don’t use any old dirt – this mud often contains rich ingredients like volcanic ash, and clay — the magic is in the minerals, really.
Heated to about 100 degrees, the mineral-rich soil has been shown to have many anti-inflammatory properties, and on top of that, it’s been touted as a great remedy for itchy and irritated skin.
Far-infrared sauna
While a traditional sauna heats the room, which then heats your body, a far-infrared sauna uses infrared light that goes directly to your body — it doesn’t need to first warm the air around you. This wellness method is particular good for the elderly or for those who generally don’t do well with high-temperature traditional saunas.
Several studies have shown that using infrared saunas might be beneficial in treating ongoing health issues like high blood pressure, congestive heart failure and rheumatoid arthritis.
Learn more about alternative wellness methods. Contact us today.
3 ways stress can wear down your wellnessAuthor: Jessica06.18.2015
For most of us, stress is a regular part of life. So much so, that we often feel as though there’s just no escaping it. Prolonged stress can definitely do a number on your body and your mind — your overall wellness. While many people seek quick fixes for their anxiety — like prescription drugs — these can be dangerously addictive. And, on top of that, drugs don’t meet the problem, head-on, they just mask it.
Here’s a few ways stress can throw your wellness for a loop, and some easy things you can do about it.
Raises your blood pressure
One of the most prominent characteristics of ongoing stress is that it can raise your blood pressure. There are certain hormones in your body that are responsible for the “fight or flight response.” This is your body’s evolved way of dealing with scary situations — to either remove yourself from the problem, or confront it. During “fight or flight,” your heart beats rapidly and your blood vessels constrict, in order to deliver more blood to your arms and legs.
If this process happens often enough, it wouldn’t be unlikely that you’d be diagnosed with high blood pressure. Not to worry, though — meditation is a great way of remedying this.
Meditation is little more than a nuanced kind of relaxation. Just find a quiet place, close your eyes, and begin to breathe deeply — focusing just on your breath. With some practice, you’ll begin focusing your attention well enough, to where many of your body’s processes will seem to move in a more relaxed state. This can only be a good thing when it comes to your cardiovascular system.
Causes weight gain
When you’re super stressed out, a chemical in your body called cortisol is released, which can then cause you to develop quite the appetite. But, when your anxiety is high, it’s unlikely that you’re going to reach for the brussels sprouts. To the contrary, you’re much more likely to decide to eat foods high in sodium and sugar, to ease your discomfort.
While it’s mighty difficult to resist this urge, it’s vital that you do so — your wellness depends on it. There isn’t too much you can do about being hungry, but when the sensation strikes, choose organic, detox foods — kale, fish, or pure fruit smoothies — instead of the starchy, sugary, and red-meaty.
Can make you depressed
Stress doesn’t only alter the body, it also alters the mind. Many studies have shown that stress is linked to depression. Whether it be a difficult job, relationship, or finances, these compounding life events can leave your mind in a perpetual gray cloud. There’s something simply you can do about it, though. Exercise.
It may seem obvious, but it’s true. Solid exercise for a half hour a day can completely change, for the better, the way you perceive your situation in life. This is mostly due to the fact that a pleasure-based chemicals called endorphins are released during and after a solid workout. All in all, staying regularly active will make you more prepared to deal with life’s constant pressures.
3 easy and natural ways to boost your well-beingAuthor: Jessica06.19.2014
Have you ever taken a deep breath and felt completely at peace – pure wellness? That’s your sense of well-being at work. It’s a positive emotional or physical state in which you hope to find yourself, ideally at all times. But when people aren’t feeling emotionally or physically at their best, all too often, they seek refuge in prescription medication, which sometimes only masks issues and can lead to dependency. So here are a few simple and effective natural methods for creating a better feeling you. Meditation Meditation isn’t what a lot of folks think it is. Sure, it can be talked about in terms of religion and mysticism, but it certainly isn’t a necessary component of the practice. Meditation is simply a method of sitting in silence and focusing ones attention, so as to create a more balanced psyche. Those who’ve practiced medication for years have report that their thoughts are no longer overrun with negative emotions, and that their levels of concentration have increased dramatically. Eating Organic Foods Your body and your mind are powered by the very foods you ingest. That may seem obvious, but people don’t very often make the connection that they might be feeling sluggish or thinking gloomily because they’re consuming foods that contain elements created in a lab. All-natural organic fruits, vegetables, and grains are a surefire way to kick start your well-being into high-gear. Colonic Hydrotherapy Even if you’re eating super healthy foods, your colon can still easily get blocked up and overrun with toxins. To alleviate the stress on your abdomen, why not try colonic irrigation? Although the procedure sounds somewhat complicated, colon cleansing actually only involves a tube and some warm water. Basically, warm, distilled water is flushed through your colon, eliminating buildup and leaving you feeling renewed. If you’re interested in learning more about what you can do to increase your wellness, contact us at our Palos Verdes location today. The myth of a low-salt dietAuthor: Jessica12.18.2013
Today, editor Sam Biser saves you from another dangerous dogma… the dangers of a low-salt diet. There are several myths about health and wellness throughout the world. And the amount of salt we should consume falls into that category. “Don’t be conned by the crusade against Salt!” says Biser. “I have found impressive medical evidence which explains why a low salt diet will NOT help you live longer. But it CAN give you strokes, damage kidney and brain function, and loss of sexual ability (Impotence and frigidity)!” Once again I must blow the cover on a medical and health food crusade that’s being jammed down your throat. I’m referring to the forty-year old health lie that avoiding salt will help you to live longer. The health food establishment has swallowed this one whole – like Jonah in the belly of the whale. They solemnly tell you that avoiding salt will help lead you into the land of everlasting health. For most of you it definitely will NOT. What they don’t tell you is that…
The prevailing viewpoint of modern medicine is that salt is a general poison, like alcohol and tobacco. Salt has been vilified as the great devil at the dinner table. People have been taught since childhood, that “Salt causes high blood pressure.” Books on salt-free cooking are more popular than ever. If you call up the American Heart Association, they will send you brochures on the dangers of salt. The health media are always looking for simple, easy answers that don’t require much thinking. Therefore, they routinely present the same, reckless, across the board advice to avoid salt – whether you desperately need it or not. The fact that our population is a vastly heterogeneous group with grossly divergent biochemistries makes no difference to them. The chant is always the same, “ Salt is Bad!”
Its gone far enough! This dogma MUST end.
“The idea that salt in the diet has positive value is totally ignored.” – Dr A.M. Heagerty, MD, Dept of Medicine, Leicester UK. To present the other side of this controversy I choose to interview one of the leading proponents of salt in the world. This is a California biochemist named Dr Jacques de Langre. He has been studying the health benefits of salt for over 30 years. He has a Ph.D. in biochemistry from the University of Brussels. He wrote two books on this topic: “Sea Salt’s Hidden Powers” and “Sea Salt: The Vital Spark for Life”. Dr de Langre recommends a special, unrefined French Celtic salt for ALL people with high blood pressure and heart problems. His approach defies orthodox medical logic. The opinions of Dr. de Langre are obviously 100% counter to established medial beliefs. No one, not even unorthodox doctors, go as far as Dr de Langre, in his universal recommendation for good salt. Dr de Langre openly agrees that refined salt (pure sodium chloride) is toxic to the body – and can cause high blood pressure. Yet he believes Celtic salt is extremely healthy, and has the exact opposite effect of refined salt. “The entire health field is very sloppy with its terminology on salt. They think all salt is the same. This is far from true. Most refined salts are a poison. But some natural salts are a nutritious food. In America, doctors condemn salt. They take heart patients off of salt. In France, they give heart patients good salt.” In this exclusive interview, Dr de Langre will attack some common dogmas and myths about salt and high blood pressure. You will learn:
I guarantee, after you read this interview, your views on salt will never be the same ! Sam Biser Interviews Jacques de Langre Jacques de Langre PhD, a Californian biochemist studied Celtic Salt for over 30 years. His two books “Seasalt’s Hidden Powers” and “Sea Salt, the Vital Spark for Life” are well worth seeking out. Amazon normally has a number of copies available. Following is a transcript of an interview with Jacques de Langre that discusses some of the issues. DE LANGRE: They say, “I can’t eat salt. My doctor won’t let me.” All they have heard in the media is how bad salt is. When I tell people about the health benefits of good salt, they say, “I didn’t know there was anything good to say about salt.” Twenty-five years ago, I contacted some people in the book business, I said, “I have an idea for a book on salt”. The chief editor said, “You sprinkle salt on your food. What else is there to know?” I said “a lot”. BISER: Why is the scientific literature so against salt? DE LANGRE: Science has arrived at some dangerous conclusions based on the wrong salt. 99% of the world’s research on salt is done on commercial table salt. This is the only salt they know of. They think all salt is the same – but they’re wrong. The medical doctors have a dilemma. Refined salt can cause a lot of problems. They are correct on that point and that has been well documented. Yet a salt-free diet has problems of its own. They’re in a scientific rut. Neither approach, taking refined salt or avoiding it, is the answer. People desperately need salt for good health and medicine doesn’t have any solution. On the topic of salt, American scientists are very narrow-minded and insular. We are still in the dark ages of salt making. In many parts of France, when a person comes in with heart problems, high blood pressure or other problems, which are hard to diagnose, the first question the physician will ask is, “What kind of salt are you using?” There is no such opportunity here, because the only recognized salt is refined, white table salt. Some of the best scientific research on the health properties of good salt is written in French, German and Portuguese. But a few American doctors have read them. Two classic French medical books on salt are, “The Ocean that Heals” & “Secrets of our Origins”. A German medical classic on the healing powers of salt is “The Salt of Life.” We don’t have medical books like this in North America. This country was raised on refined salt. We inherited this from the English. So, we have never been exposed to a healthy salt. All we know of is Morton’s salt. Americans are totally ignorant of any natural process that can make a healthy salt. We choose to ignore that which is so essential to our biology and so we continue to accept and spread the gospel on the dangers of salt. We have never been told there is another side. BISER: You wrote in your book that a healthy and active lifestyle demands an adequate intake of salt. Is this true? DE LANGRE: If your tears weren’t salty, if your blood wasn’t salty, if your sweat wasn’t salty, you wouldn’t be functioning very well. The current medical belief that our body can function on no salt at all or on a restricted salt intake, causes more problems than it tries to solve. You can’t function without salt. Your heart can’t function, your adrenal glands can’t function, your liver can’t function, your kidneys can’t function. Sodium is the predominant solution in the circulating blood plasma and tissue fluids. Derek Denton brought out this point in the medical physiology book, “The Hunger for Salt”. Rene Quinton, the French physiologist, used the term “milieu interieur” – the internal environment, the unchanging salty environment of our own “internal ocean.” He talked about serum of all warm-blooded animals on this earth. People forget, but everyone was born in a salty solution – our mother’s amniotic fluid. This is probably the best biological proof we have that cellular structure in enhanced by salt. The amniotic fluid is a salty, ‘mini-ocean’ for the fetus. This is a prime example of why we need all of the ocean’s minerals as part of our make-up. This is the very first thing anyone should discuss when talking about salt. This is basic. Your very blood needs salt to function. There was an article in the Scientific American on this topic in the July, 1963 issue, “The Social Influence of Salt”. It said, “The chemical requirements of the human body demand that the salt concentration in the blood be kept constant”. They discussed how you can die on a completely salt-less diet. BISER: Based on these thoughts, will a low-salt diet cause accelerated aging? DE LANGRE: Absolutely. Your cells must be bathed in a sodium-based extracellular fluid. When the cells are not in this fluid, they will explode. This has been proven biologically. The cells of a mammal deprived of sodium literally explode. Without salt, there is no longer any exchange between the sodium on the outside of the cell and the potassium on the inside. Talk about aging, this is probably the one, single most important biological fact that must be considered when you discuss salt. Deprived of that saline solution, the cells age. On the other hand, taking refined salt is not the answer. This will promote a pathological calcification and breakdown of cellular tissue. In either case, you have problems BISER: Will restricting the salt intake help high blood pressure? DE LANGRE: In the majority of cases, no. In most cases, the high blood pressure is not measurably lowered by restricting salt intake. Even a drastically reduced sodium diet – down to less that ½ gram/day, often fails to show any improvements in cardiovascular problems. Dr. John Laragh expressed the same thing in the May 1983 issue of the Annuals of Internal Medicine (page 740). “It is likely that even drastic sodium restriction would not prevent hypertension, because fewer than half of hypertensive patients would respond.” He goes on to say, “Public health policy should be dictated by facts and not by hopes or opinions.” I agree. In another article, in the January 1991 issue of Hypertension, this same doctor states that salt restriction is a safe and effective treatment for the prevention of hypertension. “It must remain an interesting speculation, without enough evidence to justify its conclusion as part of a national program.” BISER: In scientific journals, I have read that a low-salt diet can actually cause high blood pressure in some people. DE LANGRE: That’s true for some people. I believe that when the heart has much less of a fuel for contraction, it is trying to raise the pressure by restricting the arteries. If you have a regular mechanical pump that doesn’t work well or has a slow leak, you have to reduce the diameter of the vessel through which the liquid is being pumped. You can see how this would happen with a garden hose if you reduce the pressure. In this case, we are talking about blood. So the body compensates for a weak-pumping action by the heart via the arteries. Lots of other things are happening as well. On a low-salt diet, not only is the heart working harder, but so are many of the other organs as well. BISER: How does a salt-free diet affect the heart? DE LANGRE: A salt-free diet can damage the valves of the heart. The contractility of the heart muscles is negatively affected by a deficiency of salt. The heart can no longer contract normally. Remember, the heart is fed by a saline solution from the blood and lymph. On a salt-free diet, the valves of the heart can tire. They will begin to lacerate and break up in shreds. Biochemically, without salt, the cells starve. On a salt-free diet, you will not recover quickly after an illness. You can also get para-anaemia. Salt is an energizer. That Recharge drink the athletes use is a salt-based fluid. There is a definite need for sodium chloride to maintain and rebuild the cells. I have talked to a few friends who are sufferers. They say they get all kinds of nicks, cuts and scratches. But by being in and around the salt water, they heal very quickly. The good natural salt is very healing. If salt was so bad, why do they feed intravenous saline solution in hospital patients. They do this because they body runs on salt. Without salt, we run out of electrolytes. Without electrolytes, our human batteries die out. BISER: A lot of vegetarians eat salt-less diets. Is this beneficial? DE LANGRE: It is very bad. You have so much ingested potassium from the green leafy vegetables, which is not neutralized by the sodium. If potassium is in excess in relation to sodium, the body loses its ability to produce hydrochloric acid. Then you have digestion problems, which vegetarians have. BISER: How does the salt-free diet affect the health of many vegetarians? DE LANGRE: They are open to a lot of respiratory ailments. This is because of the extra moisture on the lungs, which cannot be removed by the kidneys. They often have a lot of urinary infections. But I have received a lot of letters from vegetarians who have discovered my salt. They say they feel much better and have more energy BISER: People generally think of salt as sodium chloride. But you don’t accept that definition do you? DE LANGRE: In this country, that is what people have been taught, all the way from kindergarten to medical school. To them, salt is pure sodium chloride. There is no other salt available in the U.S., so this rules their thinking. When people talk about salt, they overlook completely that there are 84 buffering elements in salt to protect people from the harshness of sodium chloride in its pure state. Nature put these complimentary elements in salt for two reasons. First, to make sure that people could use the sodium properly. And second, to ensure that once the sodium has been utilized, it will be eliminated completely and quickly from the kidneys. An analysis of salt goes way beyond the minerals and the chemical elements. There was an article on this topic in the September 1982 issue of Ocean Magazine. They made a fantastic defense of salt, saying salt is not just chemicals, it is a lot more. There is bio-electric energy in salt; there is magnetism; there are vital and inert gases, such as helium, neon and argon; plus there are micro-organisms that are critical for the life of salt. They wrote, “Sea water is a complex chemical soup, containing 84 of the 103 known elements.” Nature had a purpose in making our blood “like the ocean”. In the ocean, sodium is buffered. In our blood, the sodium is buffered and in our diet, the sodium should be buffered as well. If you tried to inject pure sodium chloride intravenously, you would kill the patient. He goes into salt shock. This is well known in medical circles. In the 1900’s, a medical doctor named Jacques Loeb, from the university of California, performed an epic experiment. He put a fish in a tank of water mixed with refined salt, the same concentration of salt that exists in seawater. All the fish died. If fish can’t live on pure sodium chloride in dilute concentration, how can we? BISER: Let’s talk about Celtic salt. Where did the method for Celtic salt first originate? DE LANGRE: The Celtic process of drying the salt by the sun and the wind first started well over 900 years ago. The Celtic people of France changed the archaic boiling method of preparing salt. These salt makers were given royalty status. These methods were used along the entire coast, from the Netherlands to Morocco Brittany. France was favoured because of the unusually bright sunny climate and prevailing winds. Today, the same pristine process of salt making continues. Celtic salt contains every element that is in seawater, minus the mud. There are actually more than 84 elements in the ocean, but they haven’t all been detected yet. To make the Celtic salt, ocean water is taken through a mile long decanting lake. This precipitates the particles at the bottom. The water then becomes a beautiful blue, more than any tropical ocean. This water is then guided in spirals along a series of concentrating ponds for 1-2 miles. When the salt reaches a certain concentration, they take out the excess magnesium salts, which are called the bitterns. The remaining salt is dried by the wind and the sun. There is never any heat used. What remains is biologically active, pure, moist, Celtic salt. No chemicals, preservatives or anything else has been added. “Celtic salt lowers the blood pressure, because it removes the excess sodium from the tissues.” BISER: How do you know Celtic salt helps to lower high blood pressure? That’s a rather controversial concept, isn’t it? DE LANGRE: We have had reports of people going to the doctor and their doctor saying, “Well, you must be taking less salt, because your blood pressure is lower.” But the truth is, they didn’t cut down their salt intake at all. They were taking Celtic salt. We get a lot on this point. One reader writes, “My husband has refused to get off salt, so he has always had high blood pressure. But since he stopped using the store refined salt and started using Celtic salt, his blood pressure is now normal.” We hear this all the time. Here’s a letter from a man in Los Angeles. “Two weeks ago I donated blood at a Red Cross station. At that time my blood pressure was 160 over 90. (Normal is 120 over 80). Yesterday, after hardly a week of using the Celtic salt, the only new addition to my diet, I recorded a blood pressure reading of 105 over 82. I am convinced that your salt had a hand in reducing my blood pressure”. Here’s one more. “My husband has a severe problem with high blood pressure. Any amount of salt in the past would increase the blood pressure. Now he uses the Celtic salt and his pressure has not gone up. One old man who lives near me makes organic wine. He told me the same thing. He said his blood pressure went way down on the Celtic salt. Before, it was always high.” In the last 30 years, I would have heard testimonials such as this, say a couple of thousand. It’s unbelievable. They all say the same thing. “All of a sudden my blood pressure is normal. What have I done? This is the most common thing I hear about Celtic salt. BISER: Why does Celtic salt lower blood pressure? What’s the mechanism? DE LANGRE: In regular salt, the refined sodium chloride often stays in the body long after it has done its job. Celtic salt helps to remove this excess sodium, as soon as it is no longer needed. This is because the Celtic salt has magnesium, about ¾ of 1%, by solids. One of the roles of magnesium in the body is to remove the excess sodium. The three forms of magnesium in Celtic salt which dissolves the sodium are magnesium chloride, magnesium sulphate and magnesium bromide. It’s one of the great nutritional paradoxes, that you have to give salt, in order to lower the level of salt in the tissues. BISER: You said you have been taking Celtic salt for many years. How is your own blood pressure? DE LANGRE: When I was 55, I was tested in Boston by two medical doctors. They both said I had the blood pressure of a twenty-year old. They were very, very surprised. I am 67, so that was twelve years ago. I have been using Celtic salt all my life. I have never restricted my salt intake. Around here, they call me “The Salt Man”. I don’t over do it, but I like salt. Three years ago, I had my blood pressure tested by a surgeon. It was extremely low. It was still in the same range as it was when I was 55. He said there was absolutely no cholesterol deposits in the arteries. I use the salt on a lot of my food. But whenever I have a check-up, my doctor says my salt level is normal. BISER: How long does it take for a person to notice a reduction of blood pressure on your salt? DE LANGRE: It varies with each person. Sometimes people call me less than a month later and say, “I had my blood pressure taken and it has gone down. Could it be the salt?” I would have to say on average, it takes a month or longer to notice a drop in blood pressure. Of course, everyone is different. There are always exceptions. The Celtic salt literally “scrounges” around the body looking for excess salt deposits in the interstitial tissue and it just drains this sodium through the kidneys. The Celtic salt will also help to dissolve kidney stones. Medical doctors have told me that. One woman from Montana wrote that when she first received Celtic salt, she felt like she had been given a bag of gold. BISER: Suppose a person has a low blood pressure. Will taking the Celtic salt make their pressure go even lower? DE LANGRE: Not at all. The Celtic salt has this uncanny ability to bring back to centre whatever function is unbalanced in the body. If you have low blood pressure, the Celtic salt will bring the pressure back up. If you have high blood pressure, it brings it down. Only natural means can do this. A pharmaceutical drug, which is designed to lower blood pressure, will only work one way – “down”. And they can bring your pressure so darn low, you will have problems. BISER: Have you heard stories of people who raised their low blood pressure on the Celtic salt? DE LANGRE: Yes, definitely. Of course. Celtic salt is a blood pressure normaliser. Most people can’t understand this, but Celtic salt has a ‘biochemical intelligence’. It’s a thinking salt. It is totally different from the dead, lifeless, refined salt currently used. We are probably consuming 2-3 times more salt than we need. Mainly because we use a demineralized, refined salt, they would find they need much less salt in their food. BISER: What do you think of natural sea salt sold in the health food stores? DE LANGRE: This can be just as bad for your health as regular salt. Most sea salt often comes from the same refinery as commercial salt. You can tell sea salt is refined because you can pick it up and it does not have any sign of moisture at all. Refined salt is very dry salt. This tells you the magnesium has been taken out, because magnesium is a water-hugging molecule. “I’m sorry to say, but most natural ‘sea salt’ is almost identical to supermarket salt.” BISER: How do you know that edema goes down on the Celtic salt? DE LANGRE: We met a very beautiful Japanese – American girl a few years ago. The girl was healthy-looking except for swollen ankles. She knew who I was. She said, “You’re the salt man. I need to talk to you. Look at my ankles.” I said, “Where have you been living?” She said, “I live on a macrobiotic farm and we use only the macrobiotic salt. This salt is refined, just like regular salt, but it has the stamp of approval from the macrobiotic teachings. We started her on the Celtic salt and told her to totally avoid the macrobiotic salt. Two days later she came to my wife and grabbed her. She said, “Look at my ankles. The swelling has gone. They are now normal. I cannot believe the change.” Macrobiotic salt is dangerous for your health. It is refined, desiccated and de-ionized. BISER: For a person with heart problems, would you recommend the Celtic salt? How much would you recommend? DE LANGRE: Definitely, in moderate quantities. I think the Celtic salt has the ability to cleanse the heart. Remember the famous experiment with the French doctor, Alexis Carrel? He kept a chicken heart alive for 37 years by feeding it this same Celtic salt. If he had used regular refined salt, the heart would never have lived that long. Use it in moderation. Salt to taste. When using Celtic salt, use 2/3 the amount of salt you would normally use. If a recipe calls for 100 grams of salt, I will use only 65 grams of the Celtic salt. And it will have the same saltiness of the recipe. “A French physiologist, named Rene Quinton, healed thousands of people with a serum derived from sea water.” BISER: So by using the Celtic salt, you are actually using less salt? Does it affect your appetite? DE LANGRE: Of course. Because you are meeting the taste bud’s requirements. If you want to make a comparison test between the refined salt and Celtic salt, here is what to do. First Celtic salt. Your taste buds will be gently awakened. If you put the regular salt on your tongue, your tongue will be out of commission for at least 30 minutes. You cannot taste anything else. With the refined salt, your taste buds are stunned and weakened. Your sense of taste is suppressed. This is why you see people in restaurants piling the salt on in order to get some taste out of the food. The salt irritates the taste buds and inhibits them. Here’s another experiment you can try, if you are not too queasy. With a sharp and clean razor blade, make a little cut on the back of your left hand and put some refined salt on the cut. Then put a Band-Aid on. Do the same thing on the right hand, but now cover it with Celtic salt. In the morning, you will find an inflammation where you used the refined salt. But not with the Celtic salt. I believe regular refined salt inflames the cells of the body. You don’t need to eat as much food, because you are getting more nutrition from the food you eat. You will find you are satisfied quicker. “The potential harmful consequences of salt restriction have not been examined.” Dr.M.G.Nicholis. M.D. Endocrine Dept, Princess Margaret Hospital, NZ BISER: Will people live longer on the Celtic salt? DE LANGRE: I definitely think so. Celtic salt is a cleanser of bodily fluids. It will help keep your body biochemically clean. Plus you are giving the body a perfect isotonic solution. Alexis Carrel’s chicken heart experiment should prove more than anything else that Celtic salt can aid longevity. BISER: Does cooking or boiling harm Celtic salt? DE LANGRE: Ideally, you want to cook the salt as little as possible. It is best to add the Celtic salt to your food directly. When you cook with the salt, try to add the salt toward the very end of the cooking. This is when you have almost no boiling going on. Just a low simmer. BISER: Is there any way a person can take too much Celtic salt? DE LANGRE: You can overdose on anything. You have to use common sense. In healthy people, there is a built-in mechanism that tells them when the body has had enough salt. You are not as prone to start pouring the salt from the shaker as many do with refined salt. BISER: Why do you say that if you don’t cook your vegetables with salt, you will never cure illnesses DE LANGRE: Vegetables cannot be fully digested without being salted. When you use the Celtic salt, I would say you can get up to seven times the nutrition out of vegetables. For example, take leeks or dandelion roots. They are supposed to be a good diuretic. If you don’t use any Celtic salt, dandelion root really acts very little on the urinary tract. But put a little Celtic salt on it and the potency is vastly increased. A lot of people have told me that vegetables have little taste until you put good salt on them. I especially use Celtic salt on oily foods like avocados. The salt helps to digest and emulsify oils – even natural oils. Anyone who takes herbal teas for healing, should add a pinch of Celtic salt to the tea. This will make it far more potent. In Africa, the natives add this salt to their tea at night. It is far healthier to take tea with salt than with a sweetener. BISER: How about salt from deep mines out West or from ancient seabeds. Is this healthy salt? DE LANGRE: Salt from long-buried salt mines or ancient sea beds is not fit for humans. After thousands of years of rainfall through these geological layers, many of the vital minerals are depleted. The natural balance of the salt is gone. Most of the essential elements are driven down to the bottom of the pile – hundreds of feet below the salt line. The result is a de-mineralised salt, or sometimes, an over-mineralised salt. BISER: How do big companies refine salt? DE LANGRE: They are basically extracting all the precious elements out of salt, so they can sell the minerals to chemical companies for a good profit. What’s left is a by-product, pure sodium chloride. To this, they add anti-yellowing bleaches and glucose. “The inorganic iodine they add to commercial table salt can cause obesity and sexual paralysis.” BISER: Is Celtic salt good for animals? DE LANGRE: It’s fantastic for dogs, horses and even pet fish. We have had people write, who added Celtic salt to their fish tank. They said their fish were dying. As soon as they added a pinch of the salt, the fish came back to life. BISER: What is the normal reaction to Celtic salt? DE LANGRE: The major reaction is a renewal of energy. Fatigue diminishes. You also have more mental alertness. As far as adverse reactions, some people get rashes. The salt acts as a scavenger and purges the body of many toxins from some hidden areas. These toxins come out into the circulatory and lymph system and particularly the kidney area. This is where the rash comes from; it is a kidney cleansing. This is a normal reaction for people who are very toxic. If you are not toxic, it will not happen. A similar reaction is that sores will break out under the armpits. If you do take the Celtic salt and you do get a rash, you can say, “Hallelujah”, something good is happening to me. When that happens, all they have to do is take baths with the Celtic salt and rub the rash very gently with the saline solution. This will get the skin to function as an elimination organ. After the mild rash has gone, warts and black skin moles have been known to shrink, shed and drop off. When you have a wound, you will find adding a little Celtic salt to your diet will speed the healing. Two weeks ago, I cut myself down to the bone on my little finger. Now, you cannot even see the scar. It totally disappeared. The first thing I did was to put Celtic salt on the wound and I consumed a little more salt than normal. Now, the wound is gone. By using Celtic salt, your body will heal that much faster. Your body cells can regenerate more easily. BISER: Thank you very much, Dr.De Langre.
Are cell phones worse than cigarettes?Author: Jessica12.04.2013
Ever since they arrived on the market, cell phones have undergone scrutiny for the radiation they emit. And despite industry paid studies which concludes that phone radiation is harmless, independent scientists overwhelmingly find that it can cause a variety of ailments including altered human DNA, low sperm count, autism and brain tumor — killing wellness. In fact, Apple puts out a disclaimer on the iPhone, under RF Exposure, that states, “Carry iPhone at least 10 mm away from your body to ensure exposure levels remain at or below the as-tested levels.” Now cell phone companies are getting hit with class action lawsuits, and more studies are saying that cell phone devices are more harmful than cigarettes. Insurers have even stopped covering for cell phone use. RevolutoinNewz reports on the next ‘casualty catastrophe’ after tobacco and asbestos in this video: 3 types of hydrotherapy that healAuthor: Jessica11.27.2013
Nature has a plethora of ways to heal the body. And the most abundant, and accessible, source of natural healing and wellness is readily available on a daily basis. Water, or hydrotherapy, has been used throughout time to heal all types of illness. Hydrotherapy treatments, including colon hydrotherapy, can be used for pain relief, physical therapy and long-term disease. Here are three types you should check out: Colon hydrotherapy Fecal waste can build up in the colon, creating toxins and promoting the growth of bad bacteria. But colonics, also known as colonic irrigation, cleanses toxins from the digestive system, riding the body of disease-causing bacteria and allowing nutrients to absorb more easily into the body. It involves instilling sterile, warm water into the rectum and through the intestine. That helps get rid of waste and promotes the natural peristalsis of the body. Many researchers are now saying that a healthy digestive tract and gut is the key to a healthy body. The microbiome, the community of bacteria that live within us, is important in our everyday health and wellness. And regular colonic irrigation treatment can improve the overall health of the gastrointestinal tract. Hydro-massage There’s nothing quite like warm water and a massage. This method utilizes both. The combination of warm water and massage techniques are used to relax muscles, increase blood circulation and relieve muscular pain and tension. There are many different methods — thermal, mechanical or chemical — but the benefits are numerous. After a hydro-massage, you may feel extra body awareness, reduced anxiety and overall well-being. Kneipp System Developed by and named after Sebastian Kneipp, this is a comprehensive healing treatment that treats physical, mental and spiritual wellness. There are five doctrines to the system, but one of the biggest is hydrotherapy. Kneipp made use of warm and cold water applied to the skin. There are over 100 different types of water treatment that he developed, including wraps, affusions, baths and even snow walking. For more information on colon hydrotherapy and other types of water therapy, call us today. Microbiome: Can we eat our way to health?Author: Jessica10.30.2013
The human microbiome is a relatively new discovery, especially to the research realm, but it holds promise for a healthy human future. When we talk about the microbiome, we’re talking about the ecological community of microorganisms that quite literally share our body space. In fact, there are around 10 times more microbial cells than human cells in the body, which means that in some ways the microorganisms that reside in our bodies make up a lot of who we are. And many are starting to consider this an organ. The microbes in our bodies may have a very large effect on auto-immune diseases such as multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, rheumatoid arthritis and possibly some cancers. This organ may also modify the brain. The large majority of these microbes are non-toxic, existing in harmony with the body and aiding in our overall wellness. But can microbes really impact your health? And can feeding these microbes a healthy diet by eating various foods boost your microbiome’s health and, consequentially, your own? Too soon to tell Research on the microbiome is still in its early stages. So it’s hard to say whether eating certain foods can promote a healthy microbiome. Yet, there are still some foods, like organic foods and vegetables that are showing promise. Feeding your microbiome Dietary fiber is basically food for the bacteria that live your gut, research Jeff Leach told NPR. And keeping those bacteria nourished allows them to give off good nutrients that nourish our guts. Garlic and leek, for example, are two great vegetables that contain beneficial fiber. In addition, garlic may help kill off the bad bacteria in our gut, allowing the good bacteria to flourish. Fermented foods like kimchi and sauerkraut could give the good bacteria a boost as well. The jury is still out on the effectiveness of ingesting certain foods to help the microbiome. But a healthy diet in general has certainly been proven good for the body. And regardless of what it does to the microbes in our body, it’s important to eat well for overall health. Check out our organic food diet guide for more information on eating organic. is an alternative health and colon hydrotherapy company located in the Los Angeles area. Their Palos Verdes spa and Santa Monica spa offer a variety of detox therapies, including colon cleanse, lymphatic massage and spa packages.
3 tips for promoting relaxationAuthor: Jessica07.17.2013
Life can get the best of us from time to time. Between things like work, kids and bills, it’s understandable that you occasionally find yourself on edge. You very well might have your own personal remedies for beating stress, like regular colon hydrotherapy. But we’d like to offer you a few more – all backed up by science, of course. Here, we’re going to provide you with a few ways to promote those “zen states” and wellness a bit more often in your day-to-day. 1. Meditation Okay, we know what you’re thinking: “what can silently sitting still do to get me to be more tranquil?” Well, quite a lot, actually. In this impatient, I-need-it-now society, many people are quick to give up on meditation, before it can work it’s magic. Let us correct ourselves though – there’s definitely nothing magic about the technique. It’s simply a brain training tool. According to Dr. Herbert Benson, founder of the Mind-Body Medical Institute (associated with Harvard University), meditation offers an abundance of biomedical changes, which he calls “the relaxation response.” These changes include changes in heart rate, blood pressure, and breathing rate. 2. Autogenic Training Did you ever consider that merely thinking about an object or landscape could calm you down? The University of Maryland Medical Center says that this is a legit thing. In autogenic training, the individual attempts to imagine pleasant physical surroundings, and then associates that with a particular feeling in their body — a warmth in their limbs, for example. Many patients have found this to be highly effective. 3. Colon Hydrotherapy According to countless experts, colonics promote among other things, better sleeping patterns, easier digestion, and in some, an overall sense of well-being. According to a survey study conducted by the Department of Surgery, William Harvey Hospital, in Ashford, UK, clients who are often unhappy with orthodox medicine often opt for colonic irrigation, in order to achieve some the above effects. Similarly, according to Gayle Nicholas Scott, PharmD, “In summary, colonics appear to provide psychological benefit to some people.” We’d certainly have to agree with her there. If you’re interested in finding out different ways for promoting your relaxation and beating stress in Palos Verdes or Santa Monica, don’t hesitate to contact us, today. Palos Verdes: 310-392-9190 Grounding or earthing: a natural cure for inflammationAuthor: Jessica05.01.2013
Shoes just may be the cause for many inflammatory issues, and consequently several diseases. That’s right — shoes. Most of us in this modern day of age wear shoes with rubber or plastic soles for the better part of the day. But that, of course, isn’t natural. And it may be preventing our wellness. What’s natural is having the soles of our feet in contact with the dirt, rocks and water of the earth on a daily basis. In the simplest terms possible, earthing, also known as grounding, is just that — it’s walking barefoot, grounding your body to the earth. That helps to lower inflammation and cure the body of ills. But as simple as it sounds, it’s backed by science. Scientific evidence for grounding Earthing was originally developed by Clint Ober, and the technique is spreading like wildfire. Many on the Tour de France are rumored to have used an earthing recovery bag to speed recovery and increase sleep quality while on the race — Lance Armstrong is supposedly a member of that group. Even Dr. Mercola and Dr. Oz are on board, supporting the healing powers of the technique. The theory is that back when we had no shoes, the soles of our feet were in constant contact with Earth’s surface energy. When you walk barefoot, your skin acts as a conductor, and there’s a transfer of free electrons from the Earth into your body. And free electrons are possibly the most potent antioxidants on the planet. Those antioxidants — free electrons — discharge the free radicals that run around rampant in our bodies. Free radicals are, of course, part of the inflammatory response, and back when we were in constant contact with the Earth, they were discharged after they did their job of protecting the body from infection. But now, those free radicals have nowhere to go, and they are wreaking havoc on our bodies. Earthing is a natural solution for the chronic inflammation that causes so many diseases. How to Earth The best, and cheapest, way to start grounding, is to simply walk barefoot for at least 30 minutes a day on dirt, rocks or in water. However, there are now plenty of products available that can discharge those free radicals, including an earthing mat and sheets. We urge you to come to our Palos Verdes location and walk on our grounds after a colon hydrotherapy or lymphatic massage session. Call us today for more information on alternative health and healing: Palos Verdes: 310-392-9190 |