Archive for the 'Women’s Health' CategoryThermograms -vs- MammogramsAuthor: Jessica10.24.2009
While modern medicine stresses the importance of routine mammogram scans for women to monitor potential breast cancer risks, there are other ways to check for signs that do not involve exposure to radiation. Dr. Joseph Mercola’s newsletter Why Mammography is NOT an Effective Breast Cancer Screen reveals that there are superior technologies that can help women detect symptoms of breast cancer much earlier. Breast cancer is one of the most prominent cancer killers among women, ranking second only to lung cancer. Using Duke Medical School graduate Dr. Len Saputo’s Beyond Mammography, Mercola shows readers that there are ways to reduce the number of fatalities linked to breast cancer by exploring alternative technologies. However, many patients believe that mammograms are the key to breast cancer diagnosis. Not so, according to the newsletter, which includes two strong reasons against mammography. First, there is a large percentage of false diagnoses from mammograms, which result in unnecessary radiation treatment and chemotherapy. The second reason in the case against mammography comes from Dr. John Gofman’s Radiation from Medical Procedures in the Pathogenesis. Dr. Gofman writes that the radiation exposure from annual mammograms poses significant risk to actually developing cancer. Think about it: developing cancer from attempting to prevent cancer. There must be a better method. As it turns out, there seems to be a much better technique of monitoring signs of breast cancer. Both Dr. Mercola and Dr. Saputo discuss the strengths of thermographic breast screening, a safer practice that uses no ionized radiation. Even better, thermographic screening can show signs of cancer up to 10 years in advance. Explore the information further here, and be sure to ask your doctor about thermographic breast screenings if you currently rely on mammograms for annual checkups. Many of our clients at Transformational Health choose to have regular Lymphatic Massages along with colon cleansing to keep the lymph system healthy and doing its job of immunity. This is the first defense against congestion around the breasts, armpits and internal organs. Staying clean and healthy before any serious problems arise. About Company A Santa Monica, California Hydrotherapy Colonics company, specializes in internal body cleansing, nutrition education and wellness promotion. As a Santa Monica Hydrotherapy Colonics specialist and Palos Verdes Hydrotherapy Colonics specialist, many California residents rely on for hydrotherapy products, resources and information. For more information and to browse a selection of high-quality natural products, please visit ![]() Mammography vs. ThermographyAuthor: Jessica12.30.2008
Dr. Mercola posted an an amazing and informative article on mammograms last month. I feel it's important for all of you read it and know you that women have alternatives to the traditional mammograms. Are Mammograms a Good Idea? Aside from breast self-exams, the other mainstay in the U.S. medical system is the mammogram. The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommends women get a mammogram every year or two after age 40. But I strongly disagree. The benefits of mammograms are highly controversial, while the risks are well established. Back in 2001, around the time that U.S. health officials widened the use of mammograms to included women over 40 (previously it was only women over 50), a Danish study published in The Lancet revealed some startling data. The study concluded that previous research showing a benefit was flawed and that widespread mammogram screening is unjustified. Specifically, the Danish researchers argued that earlier studies in Europe and North America were improperly randomized and that they used a faulty definition of breast cancer survival. Meanwhile, the technology carries a first-time false positive rate of up to 6 percent. False positives can lead to expensive repeat screenings and can sometimes result in unnecessary invasive procedures including biopsies and surgeries. Just thinking you may have breast cancer, when you really do not, focuses your mind on fear and disease, and is actually enough to trigger an illness in your body. So a false positive on a mammogram, or an unnecessary biopsy, can really be damaging. Not to mention that women have unnecessarily undergone mastectomies, radiation and chemotherapy after receiving false positives on a mammogram. An Amazing Deception “They were conscious, chosen, politically expedient acts by a small group of people for the sake of their own power, prestige and financial gain, resulting in suffering and death for millions of women. They fit the classification of "crimes against humanity."”
Not surprisingly, as often happens when anyone dares speak out against those in power, both the American Cancer Society and NCI called Dr. Epstein’s findings “unethical and invalid.” But this didn’t stop others from speaking out as well.
Safe Screening Methods do Exist: The Benefits of Thermography But you’re not likely to hear about them from your general practitioner. “ … The establishment ignores safe and effective alternatives to mammography, particularly trans illumination with infrared scanning,” Dr. Epstein points out. Most physicians continue to recommend mammograms for fear of being sued by a woman who develops breast cancer after which he did not advise her to get one. But I encourage you to think for yourself and consider safer, more effective alternatives to mammograms. The option for breast screening that I most highly recommend is called thermography. Thermographic breast screening is brilliantly simple. It measures the radiation of infrared heat from your body and translates this information into anatomical images. Your normal blood circulation is under the control of your autonomic nervous system, which governs your body functions. Thermography uses no mechanical pressure or ionizing radiation, and can detect signs of breast cancer years earlier than either mammography or a physical exam. Mammography cannot detect a tumor until after it has been growing for years and reaches a certain size. Thermography is able to detect the possibility of breast cancer much earlier, because it can image the early stages of angiogenesis (the formation of a direct supply of blood to cancer cells, which is a necessary step before they can grow into tumors of size). A Major Confusion in Self Breast ExamsAuthor: Jessica12.27.2008
Is there a right way to check your breasts for early signs of cancer? Many women remain confused as experts now say there is no evidence that rigorous monthly "self-examination" — widely recommended in the United States — reduces breast cancer deaths. Plus, it can lead to unnecessary biopsies. Two large studies looking at a total of more than 388,000 women found that death rates from breast cancer were the same among women who rigorously self-examined as those who did not, while there were almost twice the number of biopsy operations in the self-examination group. According to some experts, the best way for a woman to check her breasts is not to follow a strict examination routine, but to get to know what is normal, and feel them regularly for signs of any changes. According to Dr. Mercola, "breast self-exams have long been recommended as a simple way for women to keep track of anything unusual in their breasts. Now, after studies have found that such exams do not reduce breast cancer death rates, and actually increase the rate of unnecessary biopsies, many experts are recommending a more relaxed approach known as “breast awareness.”
Breast awareness is really self-explanatory. It means women should regularly check their breasts for changes, but can do so in a way that feels natural for them. In other words, you don’t have to do it on the same day each month, or using any particular pattern. Simply be aware of what’s normal for you so you can recognize anything out of the ordinary. What should you keep an eye out for?