
Digestive Enzymes

Author: Jessica

Taken from the Body Ecology site (Donna Gates)

Please consider these three questions carefully:

1. Do you often feel you lack the energy you should have?

2. Do you experience gas, bloating and/or feeling tired after eating?

3. Do you have trouble digesting some vegetables, dairy or meats?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions, you may very likely be lacking in the enzymes needed for proper digestion. Enzyme deficiency is very common but also more dangerous than most people realize, because improper digestion can lower your immunity ad harm your health.

The Body Ecology system of health and healing focuses on improving digestion; one of our most important recommendations to do so is to take digestive enzymes.

Why You Need Enzymes

Stress, antibiotics and other drugs, or a diet high in processed foods can diminish the enzymes in your stomach necessary for proper digestion. Even improper food combining – for example, eating starches and proteins in the same meal — can dampen your natural “digestive fire.”

Over time, improper digestion harms your inner ecosystem and your immunity. A healthy inner ecosystem is made up of the friendly microflora (good bacteria) that reside in our intestines and keep us healthy and strong.

When you eat, you could be breaking food down, but not digesting it. Improper digestion can lead to food remaining in the digestive tract longer than it should. When this happens, it starts to ferment in your body, producing sugars that feed yeast and other pathogens. This causes further damage to your digestion and lowers your immunity, along with keeping your body from absorbing all the nutrients in your food.

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