

We recently had a client ask us about “earthing“, or “grounding.” While it’s not a new holistic practice, it’s one that should certainly be in your vocabulary. That’s because it can aid in the healing process, decreasing the amount of chronic inflammation in your body just by connecting with Mother Earth on a daily basis.

What is grounding?

The earth provides us with everything we need to survive, including an eternal, natural, healing energy. But due to our modern lifestyle, we aren’t as connected to that energy as we used to be. The use of rubber, or plastic-soled shoes, keeps us from planting our feet firmly on the ground, a natural practice that allows earth’s healing energy to constantly flow through our bodies. New research has shown that the disconnect might contribute to the chronic pain, fatigue, and poor sleep patterns so common today.

“Earthing” is simply walking barefoot outside on the grass, dirt, sand or concrete for 30 minutes per day. If you try it on wood, asphalt or vinyl, it won’t work. You have to stand on a conductive surface in order to absorb the energy. There are also plenty of products – like special shoes – that help with the practice, but the easiest way is to just step outside barefoot. Think of it as Vitamin G, for “Ground.”

Why it promotes healing

A lot of pain and disease is caused by chronic inflammation. That inflammation is caused by free radicals within the body. When you connect with the earth, negatively-charged electrons are absorbed in the body, killing the free radicals. This has been supported by research and a large number of people. But try it for yourself to see if it works for you.

Pair it with colonics or lymphatic massage

Connecting with the earth is a great way to promote natural healing within your body, but sometimes the body needs more of a boost. Colon hydrotherapy cleanses the body of toxins that often increase the development of free radicals. And lymph massage moves white blood cells throughout the body, giving it more healing power.

We invite you to come to our Palos Verdes location and practice grounding. Call us today for more information!

  • Palos Verdes Spa – 310-392-9190
  • Santa Monica Spa – 310-399-1722
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