

As colon hydrotherapy specialists, we’re very familiar with complaints of constipation. It’s a common problem, one that affects millions of people. And yet, it is often overlooked as a major issue. Regular bowel movements are vital to the function of the body. They not only rid the body of waste, they naturally cleanse the body of toxins and bad bacteria. Constipation allows stool to build up, harden and become toxic to the body. But eating the right combination of organic foods can help push stool through.

Preventing the problem

The best way to stop constipation is to prevent it from occurring. In order to that, you might need to make some healthy diet changes. Start eating a diet filled with organic fruits and vegetables. Raw organic foods are ideal for regular bowel movements.  Limit your animal products and pick whole grain products. Increase your water intake up to eight or more glasses a day to stay hydrated, which is important for peristalsis. And eat foods that are high in fiber. Your diet is crucial to prevention.

Alternative treatments

Other lifestyle changes might include increasing your exercise level. Daily exercise promotes regular bowel function.

Regular colon hydrotherapy sessions are very effective at promoting bowel function. Colonic irrigation cleanses the entire colon, riding the body of compacted fecal matter and moving waste through.

But don’t rule out stress either. Stress can cause all kinds of problems within the body, even constipation. If you’re stress hormones are high, you should consider yoga or meditation. Try to relax your mind every day for at least 30 minutes. It’s important for the overall function of your body and mind.

Eating more fiber

Fiber can be a major player in preventing and curing constipation. There are two types of fiber found in the cell walls of plants – insoluble and soluble. Insoluble fiber adds bulk to the waste, which stimulates the walls of the intestine to start peristalsis. Soluble fiber helps to keep the fecal matter soft, so it can easily pass through the intestine and out of the body. If you’re having trouble with your stools, consider adding more fiber to your diet.

Refer to our Organic Food Diet Guide for a list of ideal foods.

For a personalized detox program or to schedule your colon hydrotherapy or lymphatic massage session, please call us at one of our two Los Angeles colon hydrotherapy spa locations:

Palos Verdes Spa – 310-392-9190

Santa Monica Spa – 310-399-1722

Transformational Health Colon Hydrotherapy

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