
Your diet is vital to the health of your gut and microbiome. If you want to stay healthy, you’ll need a balanced diet – preferably with organic foods. What you eat and how you eat are far more important than how much you eat. Here are some ways to feel full on less and promote the health of your gut:

Drink more water

It sounds simple, but drinking at least two cups of water (16 ounces) before meals will fill you up and keep you hydrated. Water is vital for the function of your organs. It promotes cleansing throughout the body. Keep yourself hydrated throughout the day and wellness will follow.

Eat fresh fish

Fresh fish can keep you full for hours. It’s packed with omega-3 fats, which tend to keep your fuller for longer than beef. Omega-3 fatty acids are also vital for brain function and other functions throughout the body. Your gut will thank you later.

Go nuts

Raw nuts are filled with nutrition. They pack fiber, protein and fats into a small serving size — you’re getting more out of eating less. Nuts may also increase metabolism.

Bring on the beans

Packed with fiber and protein, beans will fill you up and promote gut health. Eat several kinds of beans to get a variety in your diet. They can substitute for some proteins in a vegan diet.

For more information on organic diets, cleansing, wellness and health, contact us at one of our two Los Angeles spas today:

  • Palos Verdes Spa – 310-392-9190
  • Santa Monica Spa – 310-399-1722
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