

1) Is Colon Hydrotherapy (aka Colonic Irrigation) SAFE? Yes. In Fact, with FDA approved colon hydrotherapy equipment, treatments are much safer than the common enema.

2) How does a colon hydrotherapy treatment compare to an enema? An enema only reaches the rectum and lower part of the colon and, of course, you must perform the enema yourself. With colon hydrotherapy, the entire length of the colon (the large intestine – approximately 5 1/2 feet long) is reached. And this is performed by a highly trained professionally certified therapist – so you are able to relax and let go of stress and toxic buildup much easier than if you were trying to administer your own enema. Colon hydrotherapy is many more times effective than an enema. According to Dr. Norman Walker “One colon irrigation is equal to 30 enemas”.

3) Do the treatments hurt? No, in fact many people report their colon hydrotherapy sessions as being both refreshing and relaxing.

4) How much of the intestines are actually cleansed during a colonic irrigation? During a treatment it is possible for a professional therapist to cleanse the full length of the colon. The small intestines are not involved in the colonic irrigation, but rather in an herbal program that your therapist might recommend.

5) Should I see my medical doctor before my first colon hydrotherapy session? If you have a concern about you health or the appropriateness of colon hydrotherapy, you can consult a doctor. If you have been diagnosed with diverticulitis, ulcerative colitis, Chron’s disease, severe, painful hemorrhoids, or cancerous intestinal tumors, you would not be a candidate for colon hydrotherapy. Professionally administered colon hydrotherapy is very safe, and generally, if you are free from the above sited conditions, a medical examination prior to therapy should not be necessary. Besides, many medical doctors have never studied this therapy.

6) Is there any possibility of bacterial or viral contamination from prior use of the colon hydrotherapy equipment? Modern equipment utilized pre-sterilized, disposable hoses and speculums. These disposables are used only once during a single therapy session. Properly administered, there is absolutely no danger of contamination.

7) How long does a treatment take? Actual treatment time is anywhere from 30-45 minutes, and you will be in and out of the office in one hour.

8) Does having a menstrual period at the time of a colon hydrotherapy have any effect on the treatment? No, your flow will not interfere with the success of the treatment. In fact it’s usually a great time to receive the treatment, since your body is already cleansing.

9) What should I do to prepare for a colon hydrotherapy cleansing? Refrain from eating or drinking one and one-half hours before your session, be as relaxed as possible and try and maintain a positive attitude.

10) Will I experience any intestinal discomfort or fatigue after the cleansing? Usually not, but since the cleansing process will stir up a lot of old debris and toxins, you might experience some minor nausea or fatigue. If any discomfort occurs, it is recommended to rest and apply a warm heating pad to the abdomen. If you wish, a mild vegetable broth or peppermint tea is usually soothing at this time. Any discomfort will usually pass within 24 hours and is usually the result of the movement of built up intestinal gases.

11) Do I need to take acidophilus after a colon cleansing because my intestinal flora has been washed out during the session? After your session we offer you an oral “probiotic”, not because your own flora has been washed out, but rather because we believe your internal environment to be cleaner and more favorable for the good bacteria to survive. It will almost always be recommended by your therapist to continue this during your series of colonics. We also offer rectal implants of good bacteria after your session.

12) Can I work directly after having a colon hydrotherapy? Certainly! You can work or just carry on with your day just as you would after having a regular bowel movement.

13) Is it necessary to prepare by taking “cleansing herbs” first, before my session? You can, certainly, but also, your therapist can recommend a program that is suited specifically for you and your health condition(s). You are welcome to bring in any of these related products to your first session to show your colon hydrotherapist. We have several different cleanses in the office to choose from, depending on your body type and what you are hoping to achieve.


A California colon hydrotherapy company, specializes in internal body cleansing, lymphatic massage, colonic irrigation, nutrition education and wellness promotion. As a Los Angeles hydrotherapy colonics company based around Palos Verdes, South Bay, Gardena, Hawthorne, Hermosa Beach, Lomita, Manhattan Beach, Redondo Beach, San Pedro, Torrance, Santa Monica, Pacific Palisades, Malibu, Los Angeles and Hollywood, many California residents rely on for colon hydrotherapy products, colonics expertise, resources and information. For more information and to browse a selection of high-quality natural products, please visit

Transformational Health Colon Hydrotherapy

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