
There’s been a lot of hoopla lately about organic food being a waste of money. And we’ll be ignoring it. The answer is obvious to us: buying organic is never a waste of money. Organically-grown foods are not only better for your body; they are good for the environment.

The study misses the main issue  

A new study from Stanford University implied that organic produce might not be any more nutritious than the conventional variety. The media took those findings for quite a spin, going as far as saying that you shouldn’t even bother buying organic. But nutrition isn’t the main issue here. Organically grown produce contains fewer pesticides than non-organic options, and that’s important from a health standpoint.

The Stanford study showed that 38 percent of conventional (non-organic) produce contained pesticide residue. Only 7 percent of organic produce contained pesticide residue. That’s a pretty big difference. The EPA says the pesticide residue limits in conventional produce are safe for human consumption, but we have a problem with that.

You should always avoid pesticide residue

Pesticides are never safe to consume, in any amount.  Pesticides act as toxins within the body, and they can cause all kinds of illnesses. Eating organic food can eliminate a lot of that risk, but it’s still important to cleanse your body on a regular basis with colon hydrotherapy, lymphatic massage and other alternative therapies.

We buy organic for other reasons, too

The reasons supporting organically-grown food seem limitless – at least to us. The wide use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers ruins the environment. It pollutes the water we drink, the air we breathe and the soil we plant our gardens in. Organic farming, on the other hand, removes carbon from the air, promotes the livelihood of soil and protects wildlife from the harms of chemicals. It doesn’t get much more sustainable than that.

For more information on nutrition, organic food, colon hydrotherapy and cleansing, contact us today:

  • South Bay Spa – 310-392-9190
  • Santa Monica Spa – 310-399-1722
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